- Password should not have consecutive letters
Maybe, if you can come up with a way to write that as regex (probably not though). We'll add ability to create custom password policies in the future though.
Wouldn't the below suffice for regex? Thus avoiding needing custom work for the short-term?
forward = "ab|bc|cd|de|ef|fg|gh|hi|ij|jk|kl|lm|mn|no|op|pq|qr|rs|st|tu|uv|vw|wx|xy|yz",
backward = "zy|yx|xw|wv|vu|ut|ts|sr|rq|qp|po|on|nm|ml|lk|kj|ji|ih|hg|gf|fe|ed|dc|cb|ba",
regex = "(" + forward + "|" + backward + ")+";
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2016 06:37:41 +0200
Subject: Re: [keycloak-user] Question re Keycloak password / session ploicies
From: sthorger@redhat.com
To: rllavallee@hotmail.com
CC: keycloak-user@lists.jboss.org