Greetings. I'm a first-time user of Keycloak, trying to set up a simple demonstration after the examples, however, I'm having 0% success in getting my configuration correct enough such that my web resource is protected.I have reduced my setup all the way down to a basic "HelloWorld.jsp" in a WAR file that is deployed into the standalone Wildfly server that is also hosting the Keycloak server.I am convinced that it is a configuration step being missed somewhere, as I can always access my URL without intervention from the Keycloak server.My WAR file consists of the following:0 Tue Mar 31 14:20:20 PDT 2015 META-INF/68 Tue Mar 31 14:20:20 PDT 2015 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF0 Tue Mar 31 14:08:34 PDT 2015 WEB-INF/1584 Tue Mar 31 09:47:52 PDT 2015 WEB-INF/web.xml491 Tue Mar 31 14:08:34 PDT 2015 WEB-INF/keycloak.json308 Tue Mar 31 14:20:18 PDT 2015 index.jsp