I suppose that implementing LDAP server in Keycloak is not an option for RH because there is already FreeIPA ;-)
But unfortunately 389-DS does not support PBKDF2 algorithm and as far as I know there are no plans for that: https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/4182
Are there any plans to make hash algorithms in Keycloak pluggable, in order for example to ensure compatibility with FreeIPA and thus ease migration path?
https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Directory_Server/10/html-single/Administration_Guide/index.html#Configuring_a_Global_Password_Policy_Using_the_Command_Line-Password_Policy_Attributes - search for passwordStorageScheme

Instead of "exposing the whole LDAP server" would it be feasible for Keycloak to implement SASL for using in LDAP servers instead?

Should I better ask these questions on the Keycloak developers list?


2015-10-15 12:42 GMT+02:00 Marek Posolda <mposolda@redhat.com>:
In that case, I would likely use Keycloak with LDAP federation provider, which will point to some LDAP server in your environment. KC Federation provider needs to be declared with editMode "WRITABLE", so all users created through Keycloak will be synced to LDAP server as well including their password. Then the legacy product compatible just with LDAP will authenticate users against this LDAP server.


On 15/10/15 11:41, Valerij Timofeev wrote:
Hi all,

we are interested to know if it is possible to authenticate users of pure LDAP client against Keycloak?

Why? We are planning to migrate legacy user storage to Keycloak and we'd like to avoid dead end if for example some product (e.g. SaaS) does not support user authentication against Keycloak, but does against standard LDAP server.

If it is impossible, has anybody succeeded to implement reverted direction of user federation synchronization (all users data from Keycloak should be copied to a fresh LDAP server installation)?

Answers to these questions may be decisive for the Keycloak usage in our organization.

Thank you in advance

Valerij Timofeev
Software Engineer
Trusted Shops GmbH

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