
keycloak newbie here..

We would like to use keycloak with our Novell eDirectory LDAP , but we have problems in the procedures for importing user .
Novell eDirectory uses GUID and not entryUUID.

The users created in the keycloak's USER_ENTITY table from LDAP import procedure have all attributes valorized, but in the USER_ATTRIBUTE table, we missed the LDAP_ID:
NAME = LDAP_ID, VALUE = (null), USER_ID = xxxxxxxx

In picketlink code, i found that LDAP_ID is entryUUID for non Active Directory.

When you try to find someone in the users list, we receive a Null Pointer ecception
Caused by : java.lang.NullPointerException
to org.keycloak.federation.ldap.LDAPFederationProvider.isValid ( LDAPFederationProvider.java:219 ) [ keycloak - ldap -federation - 1.2.0.Beta1.jar : 1.2.0.Beta1 ]

My question is: can we customize the attribute LDAP_ID attribute in keycloak?

thanks in advance

Fiorenzo Pizza