Pressed send to early. We are planning to add an SPI to allow deploying your own rest endpoints. Once we have that we can also add an option to disable admin endpoints. Although the Keycloak admin console wouldn't work anymore.

On 27 November 2015 at 12:03, Stian Thorgersen <> wrote:
In that case I'd say you should rather not deploy the admin endpoints at all and instead add your own custom endpoints.

On 27 November 2015 at 11:08, Bystrik Horvath <> wrote:
Hello everyone,

I would like to limit the functionality of the admin REST API to the calling user/application. 
The motivation is not to expose the "internals" of keycloak and put some logic between the calling app and admin REST API.
My idea was to create a simple web application deployed at keycloak server that belongs to the same realm as calling application and realm management application. 
Would you recommend that approach? Or is there anything more suitable (e.g.: implement it as a keycloak valve... etc.)?

Thank you for your opinions.

Best regards,

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