I've just scheduled a jira for this for 1.9. Hopefully it doesn't get deferred.  A few people have asked for this.  Not sure how portable a size increase we can support that works cross-db. 

On 1/22/2016 3:21 PM, Travis De Silva wrote:

We are thinking of storing application specific user attributes in Keycloak so that everything related to user is in one place.

For example users can create favourite lists (i.e. bookmarks), recent actions etc.

We thought we can just push a json structure to the user attributes but realise that the value attribute can store only up to 255 characters.

Can't we make this an unlimited field type like a text field so we can then do things like the above? 

Or is there a better way to store these type of values in KeyCloak.


keycloak-user mailing list

Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat