Hi Bruno, 

thanks for answer.
But from http://keycloak.github.io/docs/userguide/keycloak-server/html/server-installation.html#d4e116
and section: ...you can use the add-user script from the command-line.
is my question is how exactly should looks like command with add-user script?
Because in past we used this command: add-user.sh –container -u admin -p admin


On Wed, Mar 2, 2016 at 10:38 AM, Bruno Oliveira <bruno@abstractj.org> wrote:
Hi Andrej, answers inline

On Wed, Mar 2, 2016 at 6:13 AM Andrej Prievalsky <ado.boj.83@gmail.com> wrote:

I would like to summary information about How to add Admin User - chapter 3.2.1.

My questions are:
1.) From which version (including) is new concept, that there is no built in user?

2a.) What is exact command via add-user script (add-user.sh) for create admin user ?

2b.) Same question like in 2a, but in keycloak-overlay (add-user-keycloak.sh)?

You are correct. Maybe this is an inconsistency to be fixed. 

Thanks and Best Regards,
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