please share your ideas.
1) i have 1 app is secured using PL SP Filter. Once login successful, there is a session created in keycloak idp and we called it as sp session and app http session is created too. Is the app http session is stored in keycloak db?
2) when global logout is performed, it will call admin url for all the apps to do application logout. So the question is we need the app http session. Is it stored in memory or keycloak db?
3) we have requirement to hard kill the sp session and the app http session if is active for more than 24 hours. Do you think is better to implement in keycloak idp as servlet or from PL SP filter?
4) we need to implement session fixation. Which means 1 client ip is binding to 1 jsessionid and the other client ip cannot make http request using this jsessionid