I don't think we have this at this moment. Feel free to create jira, but no promise if/when we provide it...

btv. it seems that your query doesn't handle composite roles, but really just those roles, which are directly assigned to user in user_role_mapping table. I don't know if you care about it... Fact is that doing single SQL query including composite roles is probably not doable unless you are on Oracle, which allows some kind of hierarchical queries afaik.


On 18.11.2014 18:37, Alarik Myrin wrote:
I was able to piece together a SQL query:

SELECT u.username, u.first_name, u.last_name, role.name AS role 

FROM keycloak_role role 

INNER JOIN realm ON role.realm = realm.id 

INNER JOIN user_role_mapping rm ON role.id = rm.role_id 

INNER JOIN user_entity u ON rm.user_id = u.id 

WHERE realm.name=:1 AND role.name = :2

It might be nice to do this in the web console though...

On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 12:28 PM, Alarik Myrin <alarik@zwift.com> wrote:
Is there any easy way to see which users have been assigned a given role?

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