The notification is mainly there for product reasons. We're not supporting SPIs in the first product release (supported version of Keycloak). It's also a warning to point out that we reserve the right to change the SPI in the future, so you may need to refactor your authenticator once we do.

On 12 April 2016 at 16:00, Aikeaguinea <> wrote:
I figured out the issue here: The isConfigurable() method in the
implementation of the authenticator factory was returning false, so the
configuration screen wasn't showing.

On a related question, in the Keycloak log I'm seeing:

     09:58:20,494 WARN  [] (ServerService Thread
     Pool -- 50) KC-SERVICES0047: CustomAuthenticator
     (test.keycloak.CustomAuthenticatorFactory) is implementing the
     internal SPI authenticator. This SPI is internal and may change
     without notice

I see public documentation about the Authenticator SPI on the Keycloak
site. Is this log message obsolete?

On Tue, Apr 5, 2016, at 02:22 PM, Aikeaguinea wrote:
> I've just implemented a new authenticator, following the instructions
> here:
> In my implementation of the authenticator factory, I have a
> ProviderConfigProperty set up in a static block as is done in the
> example. My impression was that the value of this property would be set
> as a config option in the admin console. Right now I'm not seeing my
> property in the admin console, but it's possible I'm not looking in the
> right place. I was able to create a new flow and add my authenticator to
> it as a new execution, but I don't see anywhere to add this
> configuration property.
> I'm not seeing any errors in the Keycloak console log, so I'm assuming
> that I have things set up right. Any ideas?
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