On 3 November 2015 at 19:10, Pål Orby <orby@sendregning.no> wrote:
Ok, so after reading the replies here I understand that it isn't offline tokens I'm looking for.

The token I'm looking for is what I would call an "application token". Any plans implementing that?

No, we don't have any plans for that. However as I suggested you can relatively easily provide that yourself by creating a client with service account for a customer then create an offline token to send to them. Main issue still stands though is that an offline token is not just a short "API Key" it's a relatively big base64 string.

If you want a short "API Key" you'd need a proxy in front of your services that can swap the key for the actual token.

If you enable two factor authentication on Github, you can't connect with username/password anymore in terminal or other 3. party applications integrated with GitHub without using an "application token" that you create on your GitHub account page.


Pål Orby
UNIT4 Agresso AS
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SendRegning - Gjør det enkelt!

2015-11-03 13:49 GMT+01:00 Marek Posolda <mposolda@redhat.com>:
On 03/11/15 09:32, Thomas Raehalme wrote:
On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 10:23 AM, Stian Thorgersen <sthorger@redhat.com> wrote:
* Create service account for customers - they can then use this to obtain a token (offline or standard refresh) using REST endpoints on Keycloak

Sorry to step in, but could you please explain the use case or the reasoning for offline tokens on service accounts? If I have understood it correctly you'll still need clientId and secret to generate the access token from the offline token. Why not just use them to login whenever necessary? Thanks!
We support offline tokens for service accounts because there is no reason (bad side effect) of not supporting it. Or at least I am not aware of any. Are you? Adding this support came "for free".

One usecase when it can be useful is, for example if you have offline token and you don't know how was this offline token authenticated (if it was direct grant, service account or browser). You can send the refresh token request with this token regardless of the offline token type as the refreshToken endpoint is same for all cases.


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