I don't know the answer, but: would it be valid to have a SSO solution in the first place, when the applications have conflicting password policies?

APP-A: You can't log in like that! I don't trust you, go away!
APP-B: Sure, come on in!
APP-A: Ah, I see you're a perfectly trusted user now!

 - Guus

On 11 April 2016 at 19:37, Richard Lavallee <rllavallee@hotmail.com> wrote:

Does anyone know the answer to this?

A keycloak admin may want to enforce a specific password policy for one APP but a different (and conflicting) password policy for another APP.  

E.g. first policy requires one special character whereas second policy prohibits any special character.  Is this supportable in Keycloak?  I am thinking that two realms could be defined to do this but wouldn't that defeat single-sign-on across the realms?  Any thoughts?


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