Perfect, thank you!

On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 8:20 AM, Marek Posolda <> wrote:
I've added some "quick and dirty" instructions on how to use separate Keycloak from your Liveoak . I will try to properly document somewhere later, until then you can use those temporary instructions. You will also need latest LiveOak master.

Let me know if it suits your needs or if seeing some issues...


On 2.9.2014 09:37, Stian Thorgersen wrote:
To make LiveOak as easy as possible to use we wanted it to work out of the box, so we include a ready bootstrapped Keycloak.

It's quite easy to remove the bootstrap Keycloak server and use your own. Marek is going to upgrade Keycloak in LiveOak soon and he'll add some documentation on how to use an external Keycloak server.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dean Peterson" <>
Sent: Tuesday, 2 September, 2014 3:50:54 AM
Subject: [keycloak-user] LiveOak integration with Keycloak

I am wondering about the KeycloakApplication class the LiveOak project seems
to be using to extend Keycloak for their framework. I really like what
LiveOak is doing but I am not able to understand why they would couple
everything to a custom version of Keycloak. I want to have a separate
Keycloak server that handles security for whatever applications I have. It
seems their decision to include Keycloak in the deployment of LiveOak
prevents me from deploying multiple LiveOak domain models on separate
servers. Every LiveOak will have its own instance of Keycloak. I am asking
here because it seems Stian has had a hand in the creation of LiveOak and I
was hoping he might see this and shed some light on the subject. There is
little documentation on the KeycloakApplication class. Is that used to
easily extend Keycloak and embed it into other frameworks? Doesn't that
defeat the purpose of Security As A Service? Any ideas how I might decouple
Keycloak from LiveOak?

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