Thanks Marek for the suggestion on the client-utility, will evaluate our options.

However, you haven't answered my question on the 'Import Client' option. Is that something we could make use of here? I couldn't find any related documentation, hence the confusion as of now. Appreciate if you could give some insight.


On Tue, Jun 30, 2015 at 5:21 PM, Marek Posolda <> wrote:
On 30.6.2015 08:37, Lohitha Chiranjeewa wrote:

We get the need to create applications (clients) from time to time in our already existing realm. Since these clients have to be created in all the environments (dev, QA, staging, production) we'd like it to be (partly) automated rather than creating them through Admin console in each environment.
In that case, I would create some admin client utility, which will invoke REST endpoints for create new client into each realm (environment) you want.

We've seen an 'Import Client' option in the Clients section in the Admin console, but not sure how to create the initial client so that it can be imported. The only import type is 'SAML 2.0 Entity Descriptor', which we aren't sure about as well. Can someone point out how we should continue to build the initial client here?

Also, if there is an option to update the existing realm with the 'Export Realm' facility, that would do as well. However that's not possible I suppose?
not yet, probably it's something which we can improve. Feel free to create JIRA.



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