Technically everything is possible, but we leverage a number of features in WildFly that are not available in Jetty. You may get it to work with one particular release just to find that there are new and existing things to solve in the future. I would recommend spending your time on deploying the Keycloak standalone server distribution with your pipeline and setup rather than trying to get Keycloak server running in Jetty. I imagine it'll be less work and you won't get issues in the future if we add more dependencies on WildFly.

On 30 August 2016 at 13:29, Pål Oliver Kristiansen <> wrote:
Thanks Christopher!

But what I'm referring to is to run the Keycloak server itself, in Jetty. It runs on Wildfly out of the box, but in order to support this in our current pipeline and setup, it would be dramatically simpler if it was a way to run it in Jetty, as a ordinary WAR. Technically I guess it should be possible, but I have had problems making it run properly.

Thanks again!

tir. 30. aug. 2016 kl. 13.25 skrev Christopher Davies <>:
We are using Spring security with our Jetty system.
This is working fin so far. We can get hold of both the KeycloakAuthenticationToken and  the RefreshableKeycloakSecurityContext
This allows us to check the roles inside the Jetty WebApps and to request refesh of tokens


On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 10:10 AM Pål Oliver Kristiansen <> wrote:
Anyone that have managed to run Keycloak in Jetty? 
Or anyone that have some pointers to where to start adapting the source to make it work?

Pål Oliver Kristiansen
Cornix Consulting
92 22 60 41
keycloak-user mailing list
Pål Oliver Kristiansen
Cornix Consulting
92 22 60 41

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