Are you using shared database among both cluster nodes? Also when you start node1 and then start node2, you should see some message similar to this in the log of node1, which indicates that cluster nodes are connected:

wfnode_1 | 11:28:30,888 INFO  [org.infinispan.remoting.transport.jgroups.JGroupsTransport] (Incoming-1,shared=udp) ISPN000094: Received new cluster view: [wfnode1/web|1] (2) [wfnode1/web, wfnode2/web]
wfnode_1 | 11:28:33,767 INFO  [org.infinispan.remoting.transport.jgroups.JGroupsTransport] (Incoming-10,shared=udp) ISPN000094: Received new cluster view: [wfnode1/keycloak|1] (2) [wfnode1/keycloak, wfnode2/keycloak]

For more logging of which provider is used by keycloak-server.json, you can enable DEBUG logging for keycloak in standalone-full.xml (or domain.xml or whatever you are using):

                <logger category="org.keycloak">
                    <level name="DEBUG"/>

Also I think that editing file standalone/configuration/keycloak-server.json is just for standalone, but probably doesn't work for wildfly domain.

Maybe you can first try if cluster works in standalone configuration. If it helps, we can figure the domain later.


On 10.12.2014 00:57, Schneider, John DODGE CONSULTING SERVICES, LLC wrote:



Correction, I *thought* everything was running in Wildfly domain mode.  It turns out I just got lucky by hitting the same server node in my initial test.  After a reboot and further testing today, I’m not able to login to the Keycloak admin console when both nodes in my cluster are running.  After attempting login, I am either taken back to a blank login page, or I see error “Unknown code, please login again through your application.”  Once in awhile, I can login without error. I should note that I’m using an Apache reverse proxy via mod_cluster.


I see no errors in the server logs.  I do see message “JBAS010281: Started <x> cache from keycloak container” for each of “realms”, “sessions”, “loginFailures”, “users”.  So, it looks like my domain config is working.  However, I can’t tell for sure that Keycloak is attempting to use the infinispan caches.  Some additional log output showing the values from keycloak-server.json would be helpful.  I used the CLI to upload “/profile=full-ha/subsystem=keycloak/auth-server=keycloak-1/:update-server-config(bytes-to-upload=/usr/local/wildfly/domain/configuration/keycloak-server.json~,overwrite=true)”  The response was “success” and then I restarted Wildfly on both nodes in the cluster.


Has anyone been able to get Keycloak 1.1 Beta 2 working in a wildfly domain, and using mod_cluster?  If so, could you please provide guidance?





Sent: Monday, December 08, 2014 6:43 PM
Subject: 1.1 documentation update for running in domain HA mode


Hi guys,


Thanks so much for getting clustering support working in 1.1.  I have it up and running well in a Wildfly 8 domain setup under the “full-ha” profile.  One thing that I was pulling my hair out about for a while today were some errors related to Infinispan config.  I figured out that if running in HA cluster, you must include the “transport” element under the cache-container config (i.e. <transport lock-timeout=”60000” />).  It would be great if you could update Chapter 23 of the documentation to reflect this requirement.




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