I don't recommend adding it to the base/keycloak theme as it could make upgrading more difficult. Instead create your own theme, but it's not "provider" specific. You can add as many providers as you want in the theme, so I don't see how it wouldn't be maintainable?

On 10 May 2016 at 11:46, Vincent Sluijter <Vincent.Sluijter@crv4all.com> wrote:



We created a custom (saml) identity provider module for keycloak and we want to configure it through the admin interface. To do this keycloak seems to expect a ‘realm-identity-provider-providerid.html’ in the base.admin.resources.partials theme folder.

-        What would be the best way to add this custom html file? We tried to add it to the module with a keycloak-themes.json but this only works when selecting the new theme in the Master realm.

-        Is it possible to extend the base/keycloak theme through the module? Because adding a theme for a provider in the master realm does not seem very maintainable.



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