Hi, I'm new to keycloak and I recently installed the war distribution on my local machine.
For this I had to tweak some configurations on wildfly and
when I finally got it working I zipped the server and copied it to an amazon instance. I logged in to the console and fired up the server with standalone.
Then I accessed http://<amazon instance url>:8080/auth and clicked the Admin console link.
The server then threw an exception:
On my local machine I never set up https and I have been looking through the configuration files both of keycloak and the standalone.xml and see no configuration regarding ssl anywere.
The only difference between both installations is that I have the amazon instance pointing to an empty Mongo repo and my local config has a mongo connection to other server already populated with keycloak collections. Could this be the problem?
Should I migrate the local mongo database to my amazon instance for keycloak admin console to stop needing ssl?
Thanks in advance