We have scheduled this work. It's going to be part of updating tables to align with PatternFly recommendations. See https://issues.jboss.org/browse/KEYCLOAK-1429

On 26 February 2016 at 10:42, Edgar Vonk - Info.nl <Edgar@info.nl> wrote:

I was wondering if there would be an objection to change the default max number of users shown in the users overview screen in the base Keycloak admin theme? Manage - Users now shows a maximum number of 5 users per ‘page’. I think this is really low and hard to work with if, like us, you will have thousands of users in the system. We would like to have this default max number set to something, which I think seems more sensible, like 20.

It is set in the users.js JS (UserListCtrl) in the base Keycloak admin theme so I know that we can override this file and set our own default but we really do not want to do this as we want to use the default Keycloak admin console at this stage.

Ok if I create a JIRA feature request issue for this?



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