Yes, looks like that. Your loadbalancer must forward the headers like "X-Forwarded-Proto" . You can also set it in standalone.xml on Keycloak side, so Keycloak see the correct protocol. For some details, see our docs:Hello,
I have a standalone Keycloak docker deployed behind a loadbalancer like so:
https -> (443) loadbalancer -> (80) Server -> (8080) DockerContainer
I'm terminating SSL at the loadbalancer, so hitting fails because all assets return as http. I expected Keycloak to match the protocol of https.
If I hit my loadbalancer directly with http, I can flip the switch inside the realm to force all requests to require ssl. Then back over to says "HTTPS Required"??
My network administration knowledge is limited, so at this point I'm stuck. Is there an issue with my standalone.xml configuration?
jboss.bind.address is ""<http-listener name="default" socket-binding="http" redirect-socket="https" />
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