I’m following
The Basic Part 2 tutorial with keycloak 1.9.0 with the purpose of demo’ing keycloak to the team.
The only difference in my set up is that I have the keycloak server on a separate host from the wildfly server running the demo apps.
When I hit “Customer Listing” link, I get
Invalid parameter: redirect_uri
displayed by the keycloak server.
I can see that the redirect_uri is referencing “localhost” both from the URL above and the keycloak log entry:
11:21:52,483 WARN [org.keycloak.events] (default task-75) type=LOGIN_ERROR, realmId=demo, clientId=customer-portal, userId=null, ipAddress=, error=invalid_redirect_uri, response_type=code, redirect_uri=http://localhost:8080/customer-portal/customers/view.jsp,
but I’m not sure where “localhost” is coming from b/c the “valid redirect uri” for this Client/Application is configured like this:
* Valid Redirect URIs http://wildfly.blah.com:8080/customer-portal/*
Any help would be appreciated.