
I just played a bit with the oidc android example [0] here and made it work with keycloak see my branch [1].
I added a small gif that demonstrates the auth flow: https://github.com/thomasdarimont/android-openid-connect/blob/feature/keycloak-oidc-demo/keycloak-android-oidc-demo.gif

Note I tested this with latest Keycloak 1.9.x branch (but should work as well with current master 2.0.x):

If you want to play with the example app you need to setup your keycloak like so:

# Keycloak Setup
## create new client for the android app:

- clientid: android-app-1
- clientname: android-app-1
- access type: confidential
- valid redirect url: app://oidcsample.lnikkila.com

## Create a demo user
- username: demo
- password: demo


Note that I needed to use the AuthCode flow [2] since the Hybrid-Flow wasn't supported by Keycloak.

Hope you find that interesting :)


[0] https://github.com/learning-layers/android-openid-connect
[1] https://github.com/thomasdarimont/android-openid-connect/tree/feature/keycloak-oidc-demo
[2] https://github.com/thomasdarimont/android-openid-connect/blob/feature/keycloak-oidc-demo/app/src/main/java/com/lnikkila/oidcsample/Config.java#L44