I was able to run this code on my RHEL 7 box using .NET Core for Linux [2]. In the KC side I just created a new realm and a client (see the dotnetcore.json realm config attached). The web app starts and the secured pages/resources redirects the user to the Keycloak endpoint, but after the user authenticates and KC responds the request the following error occurs on .NET client side:The code snippet changed to use keycloak endpoint is this one.I forked that sample repo and changed the configuration to use the Keycloak OIDC endpoints.I'm trying to integrate an ASP .NET Core client web app with Keycloak using the .NET Core native OIDC Support.For this I'm using a sample project available in the IdentityServer Github repo [1]. IdentityServer is an OIDC Auth Server/Framework implementation for .NET platform."OpenIdConnectProtocolInvalidCHashException: IDX10307: The 'c_hash' claim was not found in the id_token, but a 'code' was in the OpenIdConnectMessage, id_token: '{"alg":"RS256","typ":"JWT"}.{"jti":"cae47265-327e-4961-aeb2-6615713cc6f8","exp":1469508079,"nbf":0,"iat":1469507779,"iss":"http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/dotnetdemo","aud":"dotnetcore","sub":"b8a10870-3abd-487b-802e-e57307eafc14","typ":"ID","azp":"dotnetcore","nonce":"636051045638599850.NTdmY2FhNWQtYzNmYi00Zjg1LWFlZjItYmViYzBmZTgwMjYzZDMwMDdlYzYtMGJiMS00OWY1LTlhZTQtY2VjNWYyMzM2Yzhl","session_state":"b3010cce-24ac-426b-969a-cccefe41711f","name":"dot NET","preferred_username":"dotnetuser","given_name":"dot","family_name":"NET","email":"donetuser@localhost.com"}'"Searching for this message "The 'c_hash' claim was not found in the id_token" I found the issue KEYCLOAK-3286 [3]. Does this error have something to do with the KEYCLOAK-3286?Does some one tried to integrate a .NET app with Keycloak using OIDC protocol?
[1] https://github.com/IdentityServer/IdentityServer4.Samples
[2] https://www.microsoft.com/net/core#redhat
[3] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/KEYCLOAK-3286
--___ Rafael T. C. Soares
___ Rafael T. C. Soares | Solution Architect JBoss Enterprise Middleware | Red Hat Brazil Mobile: +55 71 98181-3636 Phone: +55 11 3529-6096