Hi Stian,

I found the solution. appologies for not sharing sooner.

Initially I called the userResource.resetPasswordEmail method in the admin client
without argument. It then sends an resetpasswordemail which redirects to the account after resetting the password.

when I added the clientId as an argument to the call, the link in the passwordreset mail redirected me to the
correct configured client url.


On 11/05/2015 09:00 PM, Stian Thorgersen wrote:
The user should not be redirected to the account page - can you confirm if this still happens in 1.6.1?

On 3 November 2015 at 16:19, Mark Hayen <m.hayen@first8.nl> wrote:

Is it possible to disable the Edit Account page?
Currently (keycloak 1.4.0) users who click on the link in the password
reset email
get redirected to the Edit Account page.

I would like them to get redirected to my application.
How should I approach this?

Mark Hayen
keycloak-user mailing list