Hi Stian,

like i did in another jboss project (forge), today i will create 2 jira issues (one for adding Novello IDM and one for messages in IT)  and send PR for these.


No problem to track changes in messages_en.properties.. I need to watch the file changes in some way.. ( like gitwatch).


Il 15/04/15 14:01, Stian Thorgersen ha scritto:

----- Original Message -----
From: "fiorenzo pizza" <fiorenzo.pizza@ict-group.it>
To: "Marek Posolda" <mposolda@redhat.com>, keycloak-user@lists.jboss.org
Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2015 9:08:19 AM
Subject: Re: [keycloak-user] ldap novell eDirectory patch

Hi Marek,

i will fix in the master and then i will send a PR.

I would like also add italian translation of messages
(in forms-common-themes -> messages_it.properties).
We'd love to get a PR for Italian. However, for each language we add we need someone to volunteer to maintain it.

Would you be willing to track changes to messages_en.properties and apply to messages_it.properties?


Il 15/04/15 08:28, Marek Posolda ha scritto:

Thanks for pointing this. We did not test with Novell eDirectory, so it's
possible that it didn't work. If you have opportunity to try with latest
Keycloak master, fix it in master and then send the PR, it will be very
cool! Note that there was some refactoring in latest master and some code
you pointed is not valid anymore (PartitionManagerRegistry was refactored
and renamed to LDAPIdentityStoreRegistry).

Otherwise I can try to apply it myself and ping you, so you can give it a try
with novell edirectory (or wait for the next released keycloak version).

What do you think?

On 15.4.2015 00:30, fiorenzo.pizza@ict-group.it wrote:


to support Novell eDirectory GUID, you can modify some lines of codes..

1) [project keycloak-model-api] -> class: org.keycloak.models.LDAPConstants

- adding a new vendor constant ( public static final String

2) [project keycloak-picketlink-ldap] -> class:

// RHDS is using "nsuniqueid" as unique identifier instead of "entryUUID"
// Novell eDirectory use "guid"
if (vendor != null && vendor.equals(LDAPConstants.VENDOR_RHDS)) {
} else if (LDAPConstants.VENDOR_TIVOLI.equals(vendor)) {
} else if (LDAPConstants.VENDOR_NOVELL_EDIRECTORY.equals(vendor)) {

3) [project keycloak-forms-common-themes] -> file: users.js

$scope.ldapVendors = [
{ "id": "ad", "name": "Active Directory" },
{ "id": "rhds", "name": "Red Hat Directory Server" },
{ "id": "tivoli", "name": "Tivoli" },
{ "id": "edirectory", "name": "eDirectory " },
{ "id": "other", "name": "Other" }

What do you think about? I need more time to test my patch.. the keycloak
project not compiles in my workspace...

Best Regards

Fiorenzo Pizza

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