There are 2 things here. Adding "persistent-sessions" is needed to ensure that HTTP sessions of the applications, which are secured by Keycloak, will remain persistent. But Keycloak auth-server itself doesn't rely on Http sessions. So you also need to switch UserSession provider in keycloak-server.json to either 'jpa' or 'mongo' . Default provider is 'mem', which stores UserSessions just in memory and this doesn't support server restarts. With JPA or Mongo, UserSessions will be persistent, on the other hand there is performance penalty as each login,logout or refresh token will need to load and save user sessions data in DB.

From 1.1.X there is also infinispan UserSession provider, which is not persistent by default, but you can use some infinispan addons (CacheStores/CacheLoaders) to ensure data are persistent.

Also note that upgrade from 1.0.X to 1.1.X will also drop existing UserSessions even if you have 'jpa' or 'mongo' as there is some change in format of UserSessions. But upgrade between minor versions (like from 1.0.3 to 1.0.4) will probably work for you.


On 11.11.2014 01:52, Alarik Myrin wrote:
When upgrading keycloak, I recently faced the problem that the upgrade would essentially invalidate all the current user sessions. Has anyone had any luck with using the <persistent-sessions/> tag in the wildfly Undertow web subsystem to try and have user sessions survive a server restart?

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