We have some example here : http://keycloak.github.io/docs/userguide/keycloak-server/html/ch08.html#jboss-adapter .

Then if there is possibility to somehow access JAAS Subject or Principal from the JAAS authentication inside EJB (which I hope it is), you can just cast the principal to KeycloakPrincipal and retrieve the accessToken from it.


On 23/03/16 13:01, Lauer Markus wrote:

We'd like to access secured EJBs (@RolesAllowed) from Arquillian tests.

While it is no problem to get a valid access token, we stuck at howto
"inject" the token into the session to actual access the secured EJBs.

Is it possible to use the JAAS LoginModule (LoginContext etc.) for this?

Can someone provide an example?

Please note: There is a solution with @RunAs. But this only allows to
specify one role at once.




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