I'm sorry.  It isn't logged to console, but IMPERSONATE is an event.  You can filter and view it in the admin console, or even create a custom listener to listen for impersonate events.  Currently, to have it logged in the log file, you'll have to turn on debug mode for events "org.keycloak.events" .  I think I may change this so its logged.  Currently only errors are logged to log file.
On 1/13/2016 3:22 PM, Bill Burke wrote:
It should be logged.  Search for IMPERSONATE in your log file.

On 1/13/2016 3:13 PM, Rajees Patel wrote:



For auditing reasons we have a requirement that all user actions are logged.

If user X is impersonating user Y, is it possible that this be logged somewhere? i.e


13 Jan 2016 16:47:56 INFO User X is impersonating User Y 


We are concerned that user X may impersonate user Y and perform some malicious actions, and we will have no idea that this happened.






Rajees Patel

Product Architect

Invenco Group Limited

O: +64 9 905 5673



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keycloak-user mailing list

Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

keycloak-user mailing list

Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat