[JBoss JIRA] (RTGOV-671) RTGov Client does not communicate with collocated RTGov Server
by George Varsamis (JIRA)
[ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RTGOV-671?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.... ]
George Varsamis updated RTGOV-671:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Get hold of EAP 6.4 from http://download.devel.redhat.com/released/JBEAP-6/6.4.3/
2. Download the rtgov client installer jar from : https://jenkins.mw.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com/hudson/job/soa-team-mead-fsw-6....
3. Download the rtgov server installation jar from : https://jenkins.mw.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com/hudson/job/soa-…
[View More]team-mead-fsw-6....
4. Download the fuse-eap installer from : http://download.devel.redhat.com/brewroot/packages/com.redhat.fuse.eap-fu...
Server Installation
1. Unzip JBoss EAP 6.4
2. Install RTGov server
> java -jar rtgov-server-installer-6.2.1.ER3-redhat-1.jar
> ./scripts/overlord/rtgov/install-overlord.sh
3. Add rtgov layer
> echo "layers=rtgov,soa,fuse" > modules/layers.conf
Client Installation & Testing
1. Extract another copy of JBoss EAP into a different directory to house RTGov-client.
2. Into this copy, install SwitchYard.
> cd jboss-eap-6.4
> java -jar fuse-eap-installer-6.2.1.redhat-032.jar
3. Install rtgov-client
> java -jar rtgov-client-installer-6.2.1.ER3-redhat-1.jar
> ./scripts/overlord/rtgov/install-overlord.sh
This asks for an Overlord password for the local vault, and the username and password to access the RTGov user on the server.
4. Enable the layers
> echo "layers=rtgov,soa,fuse" > modules/layers.conf
5. Start the rtgov-server eap instance, with a port offset
> ./bin/standalone.sh -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=100 -c standalone-full.xml
6. Edit the rtgov-client's standalone-full.xml file, altering the property RESTActivityServer.serverURL so the port number is incremented by the offset specified when running rtgov-server.
7. Edit the rtgov-client's standalone-full.xml file altering the property CollectionEnabled to ActivityCollector.enabled
8. Edit the rtgov-client's standalone-full.xml file and add the following line(without this the quickstart does not deploy):
<deployment name="overlord-rtgov-switchyard.war" module="org.overlord.rtgov.eap.deployments"/>
to section:
<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:overlord-deployment:1.0">
9. Start the rtgov-client eap installation in standalone-full mode.
> ./bin/standalone.sh -c standalone-full.xml
Run the quickstart
1. cd quickstarts/overlord/rtgov/ordermgmt
2. Build and deploy the quickstart
> mvn jboss-as:deploy [*]
3. Run the app
> cd app
> mvn exec:java -Dreq=order1 -Dcount=10
I noticed that sometimes it works and some other times it throws the following exception:
11:34:07,990 SEVERE [org.overlord.rtgov.activity.collector.activity.server.ActivityServerLogger] (Thread-113) Failed to store list of activity units: java.lang.Exception: Activity Store is unavailable
at org.overlord.rtgov.internal.activity.server.jee.JEEActivityServer.store(JEEActivityServer.java:244) [activity-server-jee-2.0.2.redhat-2.jar:2.0.2.redhat-2]
at org.overlord.rtgov.activity.collector.activity.server.ActivityServerLogger$1.run(ActivityServerLogger.java:115) [collector-activity-server-2.0.2.redhat-2.jar:2.0.2.redhat-2]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:724) [rt.jar:1.7.0_40]
While looking at the rtgov-ui console on the server side I cannot see any services there.
Note that the same example works on the RTGOV server.
I have also never managed to get the activityclient quickstart working on the RTGOV client.
1. Get hold of EAP 6.4 from http://download.devel.redhat.com/released/JBEAP-6/6.4.3/
2. Download the rtgov client installer jar from : https://jenkins.mw.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com/hudson/job/soa-team-mead-fsw-6....
3. Download the rtgov server installation jar from : https://jenkins.mw.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com/hudson/job/soa-team-mead-fsw-6....
4. Download the fuse-eap installer from : http://download.devel.redhat.com/brewroot/packages/com.redhat.fuse.eap-fu...
Server Installation
1. Unzip JBoss EAP 6.4
2. Install RTGov server
> java -jar rtgov-server-installer-<version>.jar
> ./scripts/overlord/rtgov/install-overlord.sh
3. Add rtgov layer
> echo "layers=rtgov,soa,fuse" > modules/layers.conf
Client Installation & Testing
1. Extract another copy of JBoss EAP into a different directory to house RTGov-client.
2. Into this copy, install SwitchYard.
> cd jboss-eap-6.4
> java -jar fuse-eap-installer-<version>.jar
3. Install rtgov-client
> java -jar rtgov-client-installer-<version>.jar
> ./scripts/overlord/rtgov/install-overlord.sh
This asks for an Overlord password for the local vault, and the username and password to access the RTGov user on the server.
4. Enable the layers
> echo "layers=rtgov,soa,fuse" > modules/layers.conf
5. Start the rtgov-server eap instance, with a port offset
> ./bin/standalone.sh -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=100 -c standalone-full.xml
6. Edit the rtgov-client's standalone-full.xml file, altering the property RESTActivityServer.serverURL so the port number is incremented by the offset specified when running rtgov-server.
7. Edit the rtgov-client's standalone-full.xml file altering the property CollectionEnabled to ActivityCollector.enabled
8. Edit the rtgov-client's standalone-full.xml file and add the following line(without this the quickstart does not deploy):
<deployment name="overlord-rtgov-switchyard.war" module="org.overlord.rtgov.eap.deployments"/>
to section:
<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:overlord-deployment:1.0">
9. Start the rtgov-client eap installation in standalone-full mode.
> ./bin/standalone.sh -c standalone-full.xml
Run the quickstart
1. cd quickstarts/overlord/rtgov/ordermgmt
2. Build and deploy the quickstart
> mvn jboss-as:deploy [*]
3. Run the app
> cd app
> mvn exec:java -Dreq=order1 -Dcount=10
I noticed that sometimes it works and some other times it throws the following exception:
11:34:07,990 SEVERE [org.overlord.rtgov.activity.collector.activity.server.ActivityServerLogger] (Thread-113) Failed to store list of activity units: java.lang.Exception: Activity Store is unavailable
at org.overlord.rtgov.internal.activity.server.jee.JEEActivityServer.store(JEEActivityServer.java:244) [activity-server-jee-2.0.2.redhat-2.jar:2.0.2.redhat-2]
at org.overlord.rtgov.activity.collector.activity.server.ActivityServerLogger$1.run(ActivityServerLogger.java:115) [collector-activity-server-2.0.2.redhat-2.jar:2.0.2.redhat-2]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:724) [rt.jar:1.7.0_40]
While looking at the rtgov-ui console on the server side I cannot see any services there.
Note that the same example works on the RTGOV server.
I have also never managed to get the activityclient quickstart working on the RTGOV client.
> RTGov Client does not communicate with collocated RTGov Server
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Key: RTGOV-671
> URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RTGOV-671
> Project: RTGov (Run Time Governance)
> Issue Type: Bug
> Reporter: George Varsamis
> Assignee: Gary Brown
> While running the activityclient or ordermgmt quickstarts , they both fail with exceptions . No communication with RTGov Server seems to happen. Could be a configuration issue.
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