I am seeing strange behavior in my picketlink cluster. We have a two nodes jboss cluster running v2.1.3. We were unable to ever get session replication to work correctly with PL, so we are using F5 sticky sessions to ensure requests remain stuck to one server. IDP session lifetime is set at 4 hours, but i find that if i log directly into both nodes of the cluster, that after aprox. 1 hour I will no longer have a valid session with one of the nodes. ie. if i reload the page, i will be asked to auth again. It is not consistent which of the cluster nodes this will happen on, sometimes it will be node 1 other times it will be node 2 but so far has never happened on both nodes. Which node is affected also does not seem to be effected by server restart since I have seen the issue on both nodes independently and without doing a server restart in between.