I've added a new configuration method as follows:
{code} .mapping(User.class) .baseDN("OU=People,O=picketlink,DC=jboss,DC=test1") .objectClasses("inetOrgPerson", "organizationalPerson") .attribute("loginName", "sAMAccountName", true) .bindingAttribute("firstName", CN) .attribute("lastName", SN) .attribute("email", EMAIL) .readOnlyAttribute("createdDate", CREATE_TIMESTAMP) {code}
The method is <b> " bindingAttribute </b> " , which can be used to tell that a specific property/attribute should be used to create entryies DN. That way, you can use another attribute as the identifier (eg.: sAMAccountName) and use another for the DN.
Please, let me know if this works for you.