When using JPA identity store
with default configuration
, there is no way to query groups by their parent group. Example: - We have one group called RootGRP with no parent, and groups SubGrpA and SubGrpB whoose parent is group RootGRP.
- When trying to get groups that has group RootGRP as parent the following code {code} { Group rootGroup = identityManager.getGroup("/RootGRP"); List<Group> groups = identityManager.createIdentityQuery(Group.class).setParameter(Group.PARENT, rootGroup).getResultList(); } {code} fails with exception: {{org.picketlink.idm.IdentityManagementException: PLIDM000055: Could not query IdentityType using query [org.picketlink.idm.query.internal.DefaultIdentityQuery@330112b2].}}
- When trying to put parent group id as parameter: {code} { Group rootGroup = identityManager.getGroup("/RootGRP"); List<Group> groups = identityManager.createIdentityQuery(Group.class).setParameter(Group.PARENT, rootGroup.getId()).getResultList(); } {code} Nothing is returned.