
I was looking into RESTEASY-2038 [1]. I'm not sure how to handle this correctly so I need to know your opinion.

In the org.jboss.resteasy.client.jaxrs.cache.CacheInterceptor there is a method for storing response in the cache containing this part. 

String contentType = (String) response.getHeaderString(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE);
byte[] cached = ReadFromStream.readFromStream(1024, response.getEntityStream());
MediaType mediaType = MediaType.valueOf(contentType);
final BrowserCache.Entry entry = cache.put(request.getUri().toString(), mediaType,
        response.getHeaders(), cached, expires, etag, lastModified);

Later, once the same GET method is executed, the interceptor checks if there is an entry in the cache for the given Accept type.

BrowserCache.Entry entry = getEntry(request);

In the getEntry method it checks for the type

entry = cache.get(uri, accept);
if (entry != null) return entry;
if (MediaTypeHelper.isTextLike(accept))
      entry = cache.get(uri, accept.withCharset("UTF-8"));
      if (entry != null) return entry;

Let's assume that resource returns XML data with Content-Type: application/xml;charset=UTF-8
and the client sends Accept: application/xml
So the very first request adds into the cache entry for application/xml;charset=UTF-8 because it is taken from Content-Type header.

Subsequent request gets the cached value (expecting that entry is not expired), although it cannot find it under application/xml, it is found under application/xml;charset=UTF-8 because of this:

cache.get(uri, accept.withCharset("UTF-8"));

The problem is if decide to change the code to use Accept instead of current Content-Type, we can't be sure if there is Accept header in the request and we're not sure about response encoding.

Also the statement in Jira regarding content type mismatch: like Accept is application/json, but resource returns application/xml and to store it under application/json instead of application/xml is IMHO wrong (coding issue). I believe that it should be stored per actual content type.

Your thoughts?

