Would exposing the ClientInvocation from ClientRequestContextImpl be acceptable?Or is it too likely to be modified even to expose there?If it's okay, I'd be happy to create a PR for it._______________________________________________On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 8:44 AM Michal Szynkiewicz <mszynkie@redhat.com> wrote:Thanks Michael, unfortunately, the injection doesn't work for me.On Fri, Dec 14, 2018 at 4:24 PM Michael Musgrove <mmusgrov@redhat.com> wrote:Can you inject an instance of ResourceInfo, something like the following:@Contextprotected ResourceInfo resourceInfo;public void filter(ClientRequestContext ctx) throws IOException {Method method = resourceInfo.getResourceMethod();...}On Fri, Dec 14, 2018 at 2:37 PM Michal Szynkiewicz <mszynkie@redhat.com> wrote:_______________________________________________Hi,MicroProfile Rest Client 1.2 requires that the method that is handling the request is available under a specific key in the ClientRequestContext [1].I've been struggling to find an elegant way of implementing it in SmallRye. Currently, I have it working with a filter and digging out the ClientInvocation from ClientRequestContextImpl [2] but would rather not use reflection for that.Could you give me some tip how to implement it better, if possible?Thanks,Michał
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