We need to somehow share the interceptor between the thread that calls the client and the thread that performs the request.

The glue code is in `AsyncInvocationHandler` [1]. It stores the interceptors in a `ThreadLocal`.
When building the RESTEasy client, we wrap the `ExecutorService` with a wrapper that decorates every `Runnable` and `Callable` with invocation of the interceptor.
The code is again in the handler [1]. It takes the value from the `ThreadLocal` and creates a "wrapped" `Runnable`/`Callable`.

The `ThreadLocal` is filled from a proxy that we wrap calls to the RESTEasy client in [2].

The whole change: https://github.com/mkouba/smallrye-rest-client-1/commit/cff4eb8ea1337fcb127aa29a248bbfcf6d5edbf4

Please let me know if what I wrote is unclear.


[1] https://github.com/mkouba/smallrye-rest-client-1/blob/cff4eb8ea1337fcb127aa29a248bbfcf6d5edbf4/implementation/src/main/java/io/smallrye/restclient/async/AsyncInvocationInterceptorHandler.java
[2] https://github.com/mkouba/smallrye-rest-client-1/commit/cff4eb8ea1337fcb127aa29a248bbfcf6d5edbf4#diff-7cffec08a6622027ad1d3f3f47eea396R100

On Tue, Nov 20, 2018 at 4:29 PM Alessio Soldano <asoldano@redhat.com> wrote:
I've been looking a bit at this, but haven't seen anything really meant for this. Can you share a link to what you're doing with the ExecutorService btw? Maybe that can inspire someone...

On Tue, Nov 20, 2018 at 12:38 PM Michal Szynkiewicz <mszynkie@redhat.com> wrote:

We are working on MicroProfile Rest Client 1.1 for SmallRye.
One of the requirements is to implement AsyncInvocationInterceptor, an interceptor for asynchronous client invocation.
The interceptor has two methods (more details in [1]):
  • prepareContext, executed in the thread that calls the client
  • applyContext, executed in the thread that makes the request.
Moreover, there is a single instance of the interceptor per request (not per client).

Does RestEasy have some feature that we could use to implement executing the applyContext method? We couldn't find anything that would work for us in the JAX-RS itself.

We implemented a wrapper for ExecutorService that decorates runnables with code that calls the interceptor but we're hoping there may be a better solution.


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Alessio Soldano

Associate Manager

Red Hat