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Yes, "A 304 response cannot contain a message-body", see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7232#section-4.1
@GET @Path("nothing") @Produces("application/octet-stream") public InputStream nothing() { if (true) { throw new WebApplicationException(304); } return new ByteArrayInputStream("hello".getBytes()); } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Response response = client.target(generateURL("/nothing")).request().get(); int code = response.getStatus(); if (code == 200) { InputStream is = response.readEntity(InputStream.class); Assert.assertEquals("hello", TestUtil.readString(is)); } if (code == 304) { try { response.readEntity(InputStream.class); Assert.fail("ProcessingException was not thrown"); } catch (ProcessingException e) { // expected exception } } response.close();But I found some performance issue with 304. If I use this end-point:
@GET @Path("nothing") public Response nothing() { return Response.status(304).entity("test").build(); }In WildFly, body is erased in Undertow (AFAIK), but RESTEasy could do this too. Check for 304 can be implemented here: https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy/blob/master/resteasy-jaxrs/src/main/java/org/jboss/resteasy/core/ServerResponseWriter.java#L50 Now, interceptors are applied to these kinds of responses. This is not necessary and it may not be optimal for performance. Alessio, Ron, WDYT? Marek -------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: | [Resteasy-developers] Proper handling of NotModified/304 |
Date: | Fri, 10 Jun 2016 10:50:03 -0400 |
From: | Sean Dawson <sean.dawson2014@gmail.com> |
To: | resteasy-devel. <resteasy-developers@lists.sourceforge.net> |