Hi Nicklas,

can you please provide a reproducer? (zip file with minimal example of this issue).

Thank you,


On 3/14/19 11:45 AM, Nicklas Karlsson wrote:

  I'm trying out the RESTEasy client on a WildFly 16 and I'm running into a serialization problem. I have a CDI @Provider for ContextResolver<Jsonb> but when using the client with some non-standard Objects (Adapters registered in the Jsonb-provider), I never see the provider hit and I get exception like 

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalAccessException: Class org.eclipse.yasson.internal.model.GetFromGetter can not access a member of class sun.nio.fs.WindowsPath with modifiers "public" and 
Caused by: javax.ws.rs.ProcessingException: RESTEASY008205: JSON Binding serialization error javax.json.bind.JsonbException: Error getting value on: foo.txt and 
Caused by: javax.json.bind.JsonbException: Error getting value on: yep.fmb12:36:19,331 at org.eclipse.yasson.internal.model.GetValueCommand.getValue(GetValueCommand.java:36)

and the likes which could be expected from a best-guess attempt at serializing a java.nio.file.Path instead of using the Adapter.

I've also tried registering the provider directly in the client builder but still no go? What is the correct way of hooking up JSON-B serialization?

Thanks in advance,

Nicklas Karlsson, +358 40 5062266
Vaakunatie 10 as 7, 20780 Kaarina

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