rhmessaging commits: r3894 - in mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin: grid and 2 other directories.
by rhmessaging-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: eallen
Date: 2010-04-06 16:04:09 -0400 (Tue, 06 Apr 2010)
New Revision: 3894
PNG and Flash charts for new data adapter.
Added Queue/Exchange/Connection overview pages
Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/grid/collector.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/grid/collector.py 2010-04-06 16:39:42 UTC (rev 3893)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/grid/collector.py 2010-04-06 20:04:09 UTC (rev 3894)
@@ -75,11 +75,19 @@
self.view = CollectorView(app, "view", self.object)
+class CollectorGeneralStatSet(StatSet):
+ def __init__(self, app, name, object):
+ super(CollectorGeneralStatSet, self).__init__(app, name, object)
+ self.attrs = ("RunningJobs", "IdleJobs",
+ "HostsClaimed", "HostsUnclaimed",
+ "HostsOwner", "HostsTotal")
class CollectorOverview(Widget):
def __init__(self, app, name, collector):
super(CollectorOverview, self).__init__(app, name)
- self.add_child(StatSet(app, "stats", collector, "general"))
+ self.add_child(GeneralStatSet(app, "stats", collector))
chart = self.JobStackedChart(app, "jobs", collector)
chart.stats = ("RunningJobs", "IdleJobs")
Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/grid/job.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/grid/job.py 2010-04-06 16:39:42 UTC (rev 3893)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/grid/job.py 2010-04-06 20:04:09 UTC (rev 3894)
@@ -243,12 +243,13 @@
def __init__(self, app, name):
super(JobGroupStats, self).__init__(app, name)
- stats = JobGroupStatSet(app, "general", "general")
- self.add_child(stats)
+ #stats = JobGroupStatSet(app, "general", "general")
+ #self.add_child(stats)
def render_title(self, session):
return "Statistics"
class JobGroupStatSet(StatSet):
def __init__(self, app, name, category):
super(JobGroupStatSet, self).__init__(app, name, category)
@@ -296,6 +297,7 @@
value = self.get_value(group, state)
percent = (value*1.0) / (jobs*1.0) * 100.0
return jobs and "%2.1f" % percent or "-"
class JobGroupJobSet(JobTab):
def __init__(self, app, name, pool):
Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/grid/pool.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/grid/pool.py 2010-04-06 16:39:42 UTC (rev 3893)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/grid/pool.py 2010-04-06 20:04:09 UTC (rev 3894)
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@
self.grid = PoolGridAttribute(app, "grid", self.pool)
- stats = StatSet(app, "collector_stats", self.collector, "general")
+ stats = CollectorGeneralStatSet(app, "collector_stats", self.collector)
stats = GridStats(app, "grid_stats", self.grid)
@@ -229,13 +229,27 @@
def render_title(self, session):
return "Slot state"
+class GridGeneralStatSet(StatSet):
+ def __init__(self, app, name, object):
+ super(GridGeneralStatSet, self).__init__(app, name, object)
+ self.attrs = ("NumJobs", "SubmitsInProgress",
+ "SubmitsQueued", "SubmitsAllowed",
+ "SubmitsWanted", "RunningJobs", "IdleJobs")
+ def do_render(self, session):
+ grid = self.object.get(session)
+ if grid:
+ return super(GridGeneralStatSet, self).do_render(session)
class GridStats(Widget):
def __init__(self, app, name, grid):
super(GridStats, self).__init__(app, name)
self.grid = grid
- stats = self.GridStatSet(app, "stats", self.grid, "general")
+ stats = GridGeneralStatSet(app, "stats", self.grid)
chart = self.GridJobChart(app, "jobs_chart", self.grid)
@@ -266,13 +280,6 @@
def render_title(self, session):
return "Grid submits"
- class GridStatSet(StatSet):
- def do_render(self, session):
- grid = self.object.get(session)
- if grid:
- return super(GridStats.GridStatSet, self).do_render(session)
class PoolSlotMap(SlotMap):
def __init__(self, app, name, pool):
super(PoolSlotMap, self).__init__(app, name)
Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/grid/scheduler.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/grid/scheduler.py 2010-04-06 16:39:42 UTC (rev 3893)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/grid/scheduler.py 2010-04-06 20:04:09 UTC (rev 3894)
@@ -141,11 +141,19 @@
details = CuminDetails(app, "details", scheduler)
+class SchedulerGeneralStatSet(StatSet):
+ def __init__(self, app, name, object):
+ super(SchedulerGeneralStatSet, self).__init__(app, name, object)
+ self.attrs = ("NumUsers", "TotalRunningJobs",
+ "TotalIdleJobs", "TotalHeldJobs",
+ "TotalJobAds", "TotalRemovedJobs")
class SchedulerStats(Widget):
def __init__(self, app, name, scheduler):
super(SchedulerStats, self).__init__(app, name)
- stats = StatSet(app, "general", scheduler, "general")
+ stats = SchedulerGeneralStatSet(app, "general", scheduler)
chart = self.UsersChart(app, "users", scheduler)
Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/grid/slot.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/grid/slot.py 2010-04-06 16:39:42 UTC (rev 3893)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/grid/slot.py 2010-04-06 20:04:09 UTC (rev 3894)
@@ -70,11 +70,17 @@
details = CuminDetails(app, "details", slot)
+class SlotLoadStatSet(StatSet):
+ def __init__(self, app, name, object):
+ super(SlotLoadStatSet, self).__init__(app, name, object)
+ self.attrs = ("CondorLoadAvg", "LoadAvg"),
class SlotStats(Widget):
def __init__(self, app, name, slot):
super(SlotStats, self).__init__(app, name)
- stats = StatSet(app, "general", slot, "load")
+ stats = SlotLoadStatSet(app, "general", slot)
job_info = SlotJobInfo(app, "job_info", slot, "JobInfo")
Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/grid/submitter.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/grid/submitter.py 2010-04-06 16:39:42 UTC (rev 3893)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/grid/submitter.py 2010-04-06 20:04:09 UTC (rev 3894)
@@ -68,11 +68,17 @@
details = CuminDetails(app, "details", submitter)
+class SubmitterGeneralStatSet(StatSet):
+ def __init__(self, app, name, object):
+ super(SubmitterGeneralStatSet, self).__init__(app, name, object)
+ self.attrs = ("RunningJobs", "IdleJobs", "HeldJobs")
class SubmitterStats(Widget):
def __init__(self, app, name, submitter):
super(SubmitterStats, self).__init__(app, name)
- stats = StatSet(app, "general", submitter, "general")
+ stats = SubmitterGeneralStatSet(app, "general", submitter)
chart = self.JobsChart(app, "jobs", submitter)
Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/inventory/system.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/inventory/system.py 2010-04-06 16:39:42 UTC (rev 3893)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/inventory/system.py 2010-04-06 20:04:09 UTC (rev 3894)
@@ -67,11 +67,20 @@
def render_content(self, session, data):
return "%0.3f" % data["load_avg"]
+class SystemGeneralStatSet(StatSet):
+ def __init__(self, app, name, object):
+ super(SystemGeneralStatSet, self).__init__(app, name, object)
+ self.attrs = ("memFree", "swapFree",
+ "loadAverage1Min", "loadAverage5Min",
+ "loadAverage10Min", "procTotal",
+ "procRunning")
class SystemStats(Widget):
def __init__(self, app, name, system):
super(SystemStats, self).__init__(app, name)
- self.add_child(StatSet(app, "stats", system, "general"))
+ self.add_child(SystemGeneralStatSet(app, "stats", system))
chart = StatFlashChart(app, "freemem", system)
chart.stats = ("memFree",)
Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/broker.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/broker.py 2010-04-06 16:39:42 UTC (rev 3893)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/broker.py 2010-04-06 20:04:09 UTC (rev 3894)
@@ -157,6 +157,12 @@
def render_title(self, session):
return "Access Control"
+class AccessControlGeneralStatSet(StatSet):
+ def __init__(self, app, name, object):
+ super(AccessControlGeneralStatSet, self).__init__(app, name, object)
+ self.attrs = ("aclDenyCount",)
class BrokerAccessControlView(Widget):
def __init__(self, app, name, acl):
super(BrokerAccessControlView, self).__init__(app, name)
@@ -166,7 +172,7 @@
self.props = CuminProperties(app, "props", self.acl)
- self.stats = StatSet(app, "stats", self.acl, "general")
+ self.stats = AccessControlGeneralStatSet(app, "stats", self.acl)
class BrokerClustering(ModeSet):
@@ -198,6 +204,12 @@
def render_title(self, session):
return "Clustering"
+class ClusterGeneralStatSet(StatSet):
+ def __init__(self, app, name, object):
+ super(ClusterGeneralStatSet, self).__init__(app, name, object)
+ self.attrs = ()
class BrokerClusteringView(Widget):
def __init__(self, app, name, cluster):
super(BrokerClusteringView, self).__init__(app, name)
@@ -205,7 +217,7 @@
props = CuminProperties(app, "props", cluster)
- stats = StatSet(app, "stats", cluster, "general")
+ stats = ClusterGeneralStatSet(app, "stats", cluster)
class BrokerBrowser(Widget):
Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/brokerlink.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/brokerlink.py 2010-04-06 16:39:42 UTC (rev 3893)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/brokerlink.py 2010-04-06 20:04:09 UTC (rev 3894)
@@ -83,12 +83,25 @@
self.tabs.add_tab(CuminDetails(app, "details", link))
+class LinkGeneralStatSet(StatSet):
+ def __init__(self, app, name, object):
+ super(LinkGeneralStatSet, self).__init__(app, name, object)
+ self.attrs = ("closing",)
+class LinkIOStatSet(StatSet):
+ def __init__(self, app, name, object):
+ super(LinkIOStatSet, self).__init__(app, name, object)
+ self.attrs = ("framesFromPeer", "framesToPeer",
+ "bytesFromPeer", "bytesToPeer")
class LinkStats(TabbedModeSet):
def __init__(self, app, name, link):
super(LinkStats, self).__init__(app, name)
- self.add_child(StatSet(app, "io", link, "io"))
- self.add_child(StatSet(app, "general", link, "general"))
+ self.add_child(LinkIOStatSet(app, "io", link))
+ self.add_child(LinkGeneralStatSet(app, "general", link))
chart = self.ReceiveRouteDropRateChart(app, "recvroutedrop", link)
chart.stats = ("msgReceives", "msgRoutes", "msgDrops")
Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/connection.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/connection.py 2010-04-06 16:39:42 UTC (rev 3893)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/connection.py 2010-04-06 20:04:09 UTC (rev 3894)
@@ -63,6 +63,11 @@
super(ConnectionFrame, self).__init__(app, name, cls)
+ self.icon_href = "resource?name=client-36.png"
+ self.overview = ConnectionStats(app, "overview", self.object)
+ self.view.add_tab(self.overview)
class ConnectionView(CuminView):
def __init__(self, app, name, conn):
super(ConnectionView, self).__init__(app, name, conn)
@@ -77,12 +82,25 @@
self.tabs.add_tab(CuminDetails(app, "details", conn))
+class ConnectionGeneralStatSet(StatSet):
+ def __init__(self, app, name, object):
+ super(ConnectionGeneralStatSet, self).__init__(app, name, object)
+ self.attrs = ("closing",)
+class ConnectionIOStatSet(StatSet):
+ def __init__(self, app, name, object):
+ super(ConnectionIOStatSet, self).__init__(app, name, object)
+ self.attrs = ("bytesFromClient", "bytesToClient",
+ "framesFromClient", "framesToClient")
class ConnectionStats(Widget):
def __init__(self, app, name, conn):
super(ConnectionStats, self).__init__(app, name)
- self.add_child(StatSet(app, "io", conn, "io"))
- self.add_child(StatSet(app, "general", conn, "general"))
+ self.add_child(ConnectionIOStatSet(app, "io", conn))
+ self.add_child(ConnectionGeneralStatSet(app, "general", conn))
chart = self.SendReceiveRateChart(app, "sendrecv", conn)
chart.stats = ("bytesFromClient", "bytesToClient")
Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/exchange.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/exchange.py 2010-04-06 16:39:42 UTC (rev 3893)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/exchange.py 2010-04-06 20:04:09 UTC (rev 3894)
@@ -48,9 +48,8 @@
self.icon_href = "resource?name=exchange-36.png"
- # XXX
- #self.overview = ExchangeOverview(app, "overview", self.object)
- #self.view.add_tab(self.overview)
+ self.overview = ExchangeOverview(app, "overview", self.object)
+ self.view.add_tab(self.overview)
self.bindings = ExchangeBindingSelector(app, "bindings", self.object)
@@ -229,12 +228,26 @@
durable, sequence_numbers, initial_value)
self.task.exit_with_redirect(session, vhost)
+class ExchangeGeneralStatSet(StatSet):
+ def __init__(self, app, name, object):
+ super(ExchangeGeneralStatSet, self).__init__(app, name, object)
+ self.attrs = ("producerCount", "bindingCount")
+class ExchangeIOStatSet(StatSet):
+ def __init__(self, app, name, object):
+ super(ExchangeIOStatSet, self).__init__(app, name, object)
+ self.attrs = ("msgReceives", "msgRoutes",
+ "msgDrops", "byteReceives",
+ "byteRoutes", "byteDrops")
class ExchangeOverview(Widget):
def __init__(self, app, name, exchange):
super(ExchangeOverview, self).__init__(app, name)
- self.add_child(StatSet(app, "io", exchange, "io"))
- self.add_child(StatSet(app, "general", exchange, "general"))
+ self.add_child(ExchangeIOStatSet(app, "io", exchange))
+ self.add_child(ExchangeGeneralStatSet(app, "general", exchange))
chart = self.ReceiveRouteDropRateChart(app, "recvroutedrop", exchange)
chart.stats = ("msgReceives", "msgRoutes", "msgDrops")
Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/exchange.strings
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/exchange.strings 2010-04-06 16:39:42 UTC (rev 3893)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/exchange.strings 2010-04-06 20:04:09 UTC (rev 3894)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<table class="twocol">
Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/queue.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/queue.py 2010-04-06 16:39:42 UTC (rev 3893)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/queue.py 2010-04-06 20:04:09 UTC (rev 3894)
@@ -53,6 +53,9 @@
self.icon_href = "resource?name=queue-36.png"
+ self.overview = QueueStats(app, "overview", self.object)
+ self.view.add_tab(self.overview)
self.bindings = QueueBindingSelector(app, "bindings", self.object)
@@ -432,14 +435,29 @@
self.add_tab(QueueStatsTransactions(app, "txn", queue))
def render_title(self, session):
- return "Statistics"
+ return "Overview"
+class QueueGeneralStatSet(StatSet):
+ def __init__(self, app, name, object):
+ super(QueueGeneralStatSet, self).__init__(app, name, object)
+ self.attrs = ("consumerCount", "bindingCount",
+ "msgDepth", "byteDepth")
+class QueueIOStatSet(StatSet):
+ def __init__(self, app, name, object):
+ super(QueueIOStatSet, self).__init__(app, name, object)
+ self.attrs = ("msgTotalEnqueues", "msgTotalDequeues",
+ "byteTotalEnqueues", "byteTotalDequeues",
+ "unackedMessages", "messageLatency")
class QueueStatsGeneral(Widget):
def __init__(self, app, name, queue):
super(QueueStatsGeneral, self).__init__(app, name)
- self.add_child(StatSet(app, "general", queue, "general"))
- self.add_child(StatSet(app, "io", queue, "io"))
+ self.add_child(QueueGeneralStatSet(app, "general", queue))
+ self.add_child(QueueIOStatSet(app, "io", queue))
chart = self.EnqueueDequeueRateChart(app, "enqdeq", queue)
chart.stats = ("msgTotalEnqueues", "msgTotalDequeues")
@@ -465,12 +483,19 @@
def render_title(self, session):
return "Queue Depth"
+class QueueIODurableStatSet(StatSet):
+ def __init__(self, app, name, object):
+ super(QueueIODurableStatSet, self).__init__(app, name, object)
+ self.attrs = ("msgPersistEnqueues", "msgPersistDequeues",
+ "bytePersistEnqueues", "bytePersistDequeues")
class QueueStatsDurability(Widget):
def __init__(self, app, name, queue):
super(QueueStatsDurability, self).__init__(app, name)
- self.add_child(StatSet(app, "io", queue, "io.durable"))
- self.add_child(JournalStats(app, "jrnl", queue, "io.journal"))
+ self.add_child(QueueIODurableStatSet(app, "io", queue))
+ self.add_child(JournalStats(app, "jrnl", queue))
chart = self.EnqueueDequeueRateChart(app, "enqdeq", queue)
chart.stats = ("msgPersistEnqueues", "msgPersistDequeues")
@@ -485,19 +510,36 @@
return "Durable messages enqueued and eequeued"
class JournalStats(StatSet):
- def __init__(self, app, name, queue, category):
- super(JournalStats, self).__init__(app, name, queue, category)
+ def __init__(self, app, name, queue):
+ super(JournalStats, self).__init__(app, name, queue)
self.journal = self.JournalAttribute(app, "journal")
+ self.attrs = ("initialFileCount", "dataFileSize",
+ "recordDepth", "recordEnqueues",
+ "outstandingAIOs", "freeFileCount",
+ "availableFileCount", "writeWaitFailures",
+ "writeBusyFailures", "readRecordCount",
+ "readBusyFailures", "writePageCacheDepth",
+ "readPageCacheDepth")
class JournalAttribute(Attribute):
def get(self, session):
queue = self.widget.object.get(session)
- for journal in Journal.selectBy(queue=queue):
- return journal
+ cls = self.app.rosemary.com_redhat_rhm_store.Journal
+ conn = self.app.model.get_sql_connection()
+ cursor = conn.cursor()
+ try:
+ journals = cls.select_objects(cursor, _queueRef_id=queue._id)
+ finally:
+ cursor.close()
+ return len(journals)
def render_title(self, session):
return "Journal"
@@ -509,25 +551,19 @@
return "<div class=\"iblock\">%s</div>" % fmt_none()
+class QueueTxnStatSet(StatSet):
+ def __init__(self, app, name, queue):
+ super(QueueTxnStatSet, self).__init__(app, name, queue)
+ self.attrs = ("msgTxnEnqueues", "msgTxnDequeues",
+ "byteTxnEnqueues", "byteTxnDequeues")
class QueueStatsTransactions(Widget):
def __init__(self, app, name, queue):
super(QueueStatsTransactions, self).__init__(app, name)
- self.add_child(StatSet(app, "transactions", queue, "txn"))
- self.add_child(StatSet(app, "io", queue, "io.txn"))
+ self.add_child(QueueTxnStatSet(app, "io", queue))
- chart = self.EnqueueTransactionRateChart(app, "enqtxn", queue)
- chart.stats = ("enqueueTxnStarts", "enqueueTxnCommits",
- "enqueueTxnRejects")
- chart.mode = "rate"
- self.add_child(chart)
- chart = self.DequeueTransactionRateChart(app, "deqtxn", queue)
- chart.stats = ("dequeueTxnStarts", "dequeueTxnCommits",
- "dequeueTxnRejects")
- chart.mode = "rate"
- self.add_child(chart)
chart = self.EnqueueDequeueRateChart(app, "enqdeq", queue)
chart.stats = ("msgTxnEnqueues", "msgTxnDequeues")
chart.mode = "rate"
Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/queue.strings
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/queue.strings 2010-04-06 16:39:42 UTC (rev 3893)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/queue.strings 2010-04-06 20:04:09 UTC (rev 3894)
@@ -72,15 +72,10 @@
- <h2>Transactions</h2>
- {transactions}
<h2>Transactional Input/Output</h2>
- {enqtxn}
- {deqtxn}
Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/model.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/model.py 2010-04-06 16:39:42 UTC (rev 3893)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/model.py 2010-04-06 20:04:09 UTC (rev 3894)
@@ -1,14 +1,17 @@
import logging
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from decimal import *
from mint import Mint, MintConfig
from struct import unpack, calcsize
+from sqladapter import *
from sqlobject import sqlhub
from threading import Thread, Lock
from types import *
from wooly import *
from wooly.parameters import *
from wooly.widgets import *
+from wooly.datatable import *
from formats import *
from parameters import *
@@ -106,6 +109,11 @@
def get_ad_groups(self):
return AdProperty.get_ad_groups()
+ def get_class_by_rosemary_object(self, rosemary_object):
+ for cls in self.classes:
+ if cls.cumin_name.lower() == rosemary_object._class._name.lower():
+ return cls
def get_class_by_object(self, mint_object):
for cls in self.classes:
if cls.mint_class is mint_object.__class__:
@@ -588,13 +596,6 @@
def init(self):
- def recent(self, object):
- stats = object.stats
- stats = stats.orderBy("-qmfUpdateTime")
- if stats.count():
- return stats[0].qmfUpdateTime
def get_connection(self):
return self.model.get_sql_connection()
@@ -609,79 +610,6 @@
return "".join(nname)
- def avg_samples(self, object, secs, interval, secs2):
- conn = self.get_connection()
- when = "(qmf_update_time >= now() - interval '%i seconds')" % int(secs + secs2)
- when2 = ""
- if secs2:
- when2 = " and (qmf_update_time <= now() - interval '%i seconds')" % int(secs2)
- where = "%s and %s%s" % (object.stats.clause, when, when2)
- table_name = self.cumin_class.mint_stats_class.q.tableName
- field_name = self.get_db_name()
- if conn:
- cursor = conn.cursor()
- sql = """select max(qmf_update_time) as interval_end,
- cast(avg(%s) as integer) as value,
- stddev(%s) as dev
- from %s
- where %s
- group by floor(extract(epoch from qmf_update_time) / %i)
- order by interval_end desc;""" % (field_name, field_name,
- table_name,
- where,
- interval)
- cursor.execute(sql)
- return cursor.fetchall()
- def samples(self, object, secs, interval, method, secs2=0):
- if method == "avg":
- return self.avg_samples(object, secs, interval, secs2)
- stats = object.stats
- now = datetime.now()
- upper_limit = now - timedelta(seconds=int(secs2))
- lower_limit = now - timedelta(seconds=int(secs + secs2))
- col = self.cumin_class.mint_stats_class.q.qmfUpdateTime
- stats = stats.filter(col <= upper_limit)
- def ensure_at_least(min_count, more_time):
- dt = now - timedelta(seconds=int(secs + secs2 + more_time))
- stats2 = stats.filter(col >= dt)
- if stats2.count() < min_count:
- more_time += 60
- if more_time <= 60 * 60:
- return ensure_at_least(min_count, more_time)
- return stats2
- stats = ensure_at_least(2, 0)
- stats = stats.orderBy("-qmfUpdateTime")
- samples = list()
- next_is_last = False
- for stat in stats:
- if (stat.qmfUpdateTime > upper_limit):
- continue
- value = getattr(stat, self.name, 0)
- samples.append((stat.qmfUpdateTime, value))
- if next_is_last:
- break
- if stat.qmfUpdateTime < lower_limit:
- next_is_last = True
- return samples
def value_html(self, object):
text = self.value_text(object)
@@ -699,7 +627,7 @@
text = ""
elif self.format:
text = self.format % value
- elif type(value) in (int, long):
+ elif type(value) in (int, long, Decimal):
if value == 0:
text = "0"
@@ -711,7 +639,7 @@
def value(self, object):
- return getattr(object.statsCurr, self.name)
+ return getattr(object, self.name)
except AttributeError:
@@ -763,10 +691,109 @@
writer.write("<stat name=\"%s\" value=\"%s\" rate=\"%s\"/>" \
% (self.name, value, rate))
+class SamplesSqlAdapter(SqlAdapter):
+ qmf_update_col = '_qmf_update_time'
+ _parent_id_col = "_parent_id"
+ def __init__(self, app, table, parent_id):
+ super(SamplesSqlAdapter, self).__init__(app, table)
+ self.parent_id = parent_id
+ def get_sql_options(self, options):
+ return options
+ def avg_samples(self, stat, secs, interval, secs2):
+ table = self.table
+ stat_col = table._columns_by_name[stat.name]
+ updated_col = table._columns_by_name[self.qmf_update_col]
+ parent_col = table._columns_by_name[self._parent_id_col]
+ max_col = "max(%s) as interval_end" % updated_col.identifier
+ value_col = "cast(avg(%s) as integer) as value" % stat_col.identifier
+ dev_col = "stddev(%s) as dev" % stat_col.identifier
+ columns = list()
+ columns.append(max_col)
+ columns.append(value_col)
+ columns.append(dev_col)
+ self.columns = columns
+ self.query.filters = list()
+ SqlComparisonFilter(self.query, parent_col, self.parent_id, "=")
+ when = "now() - interval '%i seconds'" % int(secs + secs2)
+ SqlComparisonFilter(self.query, updated_col, when, ">=")
+ when2 = ""
+ if secs2:
+ when2 = "now() - interval '%i seconds'" % int(secs2)
+ SqlComparisonFilter(self.query, updated_col, when2, "<=")
+ options = SqlQueryOptions()
+ options.sort_column = "interval_end"
+ options.sort_ascending = False
+ options.group_column = "floor(extract(epoch from %s) / %i)" % (updated_col.identifier, interval)
+ samples = self.get_data({}, options)
+ return samples
+ def samples(self, stat, secs, interval, method, secs2=0, delta=False):
+ if method == "avg":
+ return self.avg_samples(stat, secs, interval, secs2)
+ table = self.table
+ stat_col = table._columns_by_name[stat.name]
+ updated_col = table._columns_by_name[self.qmf_update_col]
+ parent_col = table._columns_by_name[self._parent_id_col]
+ columns = list()
+ columns.append(updated_col.identifier)
+ columns.append(stat_col.identifier)
+ self.columns = columns
+ self.query.filters = list()
+ SqlComparisonFilter(self.query, parent_col, self.parent_id, "=")
+ if delta:
+ secs = 60*60
+ when = "now() - interval '%i seconds'" % int(secs + secs2)
+ SqlComparisonFilter(self.query, updated_col, when, ">=")
+ when2 = ""
+ if secs2:
+ when2 = "now() - interval '%i seconds'" % int(secs2)
+ SqlComparisonFilter(self.query, updated_col, when2, "<=")
+ options = SqlQueryOptions()
+ options.sort_column = updated_col
+ options.sort_ascending = False
+ if delta:
+ options.limit = 2
+ samples = self.get_data({}, options)
+ return samples
+ def recent(self):
+ updated_col = self.table._columns_by_name[self.qmf_update_col]
+ columns = list()
+ columns.append(updated_col.identifier)
+ self.columns = columns
+ options = SqlQueryOptions()
+ options.sort_column = updated_col
+ options.sort_ascending = False
+ samples = self.get_data({}, options)
+ return len(samples) and samples[0][0] or None
class CuminStatistic(object):
formatters = {
- None: lambda x: fmt_none(),
- float: lambda x: "%0.2d" % x
+ NoneType: lambda x: fmt_none(),
+ float: lambda x: "%0.2d" % x,
+ Decimal: lambda x: str(x),
+ int: lambda x: "%i" % x
def __init__(self, name):
@@ -776,8 +803,12 @@
return self.name
def format_value(self, session, value):
+ return CuminStatistic.fmt_value(value)
+ @classmethod
+ def fmt_value(cls, value):
- return self.formatters[type(value)](value)
+ return cls.formatters[type(value)](value)
except KeyError:
return value
Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/stat.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/stat.py 2010-04-06 16:39:42 UTC (rev 3893)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/stat.py 2010-04-06 20:04:09 UTC (rev 3894)
@@ -10,62 +10,40 @@
from parameters import *
from util import *
from formats import *
+from model import *
from OpenFlashChart import Chart, Element
strings = StringCatalog(__file__)
class StatSet(ItemSet):
- unit_abbrevs = dict()
- unit_abbrevs["message"] = "msg"
- unit_abbrevs["transaction"] = "trans"
- def __init__(self, app, name, object, category):
+ def __init__(self, app, name, object):
super(StatSet, self).__init__(app, name)
self.object = object
- self.category = category
+ self.attrs = list()
self.update_enabled = True
- def render_rate_text(self, session):
- return "Per Second"
+ def get_fields(self, session):
+ return self.attrs
def do_get_items(self, session):
object = self.object.get(session)
- cls = self.app.model.get_class_by_object(object)
stats = list()
+ for field in self.get_fields(session):
+ cls = object._class._statistics_by_name[field]
+ stats.append((cls, getattr(object, cls.name, None)))
+ return stats
- return [x for x in cls.stats if x.category == self.category]
- def render_item_title(self, session, stat):
+ def render_item_title(self, session, item):
+ stat, value = item
return stat.title
- def render_item_name(self, session, stat):
- return stat.name
+ def render_item_value(self, session, item):
+ stat, value = item
+ return CuminStatistic.fmt_value(value)
- def render_item_value(self, session, stat):
- object = self.object.get(session)
- #if stat.link_cb:
- # branch = session.branch()
- # stat.link_cb(self.page, branch, object)
- # return fmt_link(branch.marshal(), stat.value(object))
- #else:
- return stat.value_html(object)
- def render_item_rate(self, session, stat):
- object = self.object.get(session)
- #if False and stat.highlow: #XXX
- # return "<small>high</small> <span>%i</span> " + \
- # "<small>low</small> <span>%i</span>" \
- # % (stat.high(object) or 0, stat.low(object) or 0)
- #else:
- return stat.rate_html(object)
class NewStatSet(ItemSet):
def __init__(self, app, name):
super(NewStatSet, self).__init__(app, name)
@@ -126,16 +104,26 @@
self.fullpageable = True
- def get_href_params(self, session):
+ def get_object_id(self, session):
object = self.object.get(session)
- params = list()
+ return object._id
- cls = self.app.model.get_class_by_object(object).cumin_name
+ def get_package_name(self, session):
+ object = self.object.get(session)
+ return object._class._package._name
- params.append("class=%s" % cls)
- params.append("id=%i" % object.id)
+ def get_object_class(self, session):
+ object = self.object.get(session)
+ return object._class._name
+ def get_href_params(self, session):
+ params = list()
+ params.append("id=%i" % self.get_object_id(session))
params.append("chart_id=%s" % self.render_id(session, None))
params.append("duration=%s" % self.duration.get(session))
+ params.append("rpkg=%s" % self.get_package_name(session))
+ params.append("rcls=%s" % self.get_object_class(session))
for stat in self.stats:
params.append("stat=%s" % stat)
@@ -160,12 +148,12 @@
def render_title(self, session):
object = self.object.get(session)
- cls = self.app.model.get_class_by_object(object)
+ cls = object._class
return getattr(cls, self.stats[0]).title
def render_stats(self, session):
object = self.object.get(session)
- cls = self.app.model.get_class_by_object(object)
+ cls = object._class
writer = Writer()
@@ -277,37 +265,16 @@
self.__files[name] = {"time": datetime.now(), "file": file, "cookie": args}
return file
-class PieChartPage(Page):
- def __init__(self, app, name):
- super(PieChartPage, self).__init__(app, name)
- self.cls = CuminClassParameter(app, "class")
- self.add_parameter(self.cls)
- self.id = IntegerParameter(app, "id")
- self.add_parameter(self.id)
- param = Parameter(app, "param")
- self.add_parameter(param)
- self.stats = ListParameter(app, "stat", param)
- self.add_parameter(self.stats)
- def get_cache_control(self, session):
- return "no-cache"
- def get_object(self, session):
- cls = self.cls.get(session).mint_class
- id = self.id.get(session)
- return (cls.get(id),)
class StatChartPage(Page):
def __init__(self, app, name):
super(StatChartPage, self).__init__(app, name)
- self.cls = CuminClassParameter(app, "class")
- self.add_parameter(self.cls)
+ self.rosemary_class = Parameter(app, "rcls")
+ self.add_parameter(self.rosemary_class)
+ self.rosemary_package = Parameter(app, "rpkg")
+ self.add_parameter(self.rosemary_package)
self.id = IntegerParameter(app, "id")
@@ -349,14 +316,21 @@
def get_content_type(self, session):
return self.samples.get(session) and "text/plain" or "image/png"
+ def get_adapter_stats(self, session):
+ rpackage = self.rosemary_package.get(session)
+ rclass = self.rosemary_class.get(session)
+ rosemary_package = self.app.rosemary._packages_by_name[rpackage]
+ rosemary_class = rosemary_package._classes_by_name[rclass]
+ id = str(self.id.get(session))
+ adapter = SamplesSqlAdapter(self.app, rosemary_class.sql_samples_table, id)
+ stats = [getattr(rosemary_class, x) for x in self.stats.get(session)]
+ return (adapter, stats)
def get_cache_control(self, session):
return "no-cache"
- def get_object(self, session):
- cls = self.cls.get(session).mint_class
- id = self.id.get(session)
- return (cls.get(id),)
def gen_filename(self, session):
return session.marshal()
@@ -407,19 +381,16 @@
return str(rets)
def do_render(self, session):
- object = self.get_object(session)[0]
+ adapter, stats = self.get_adapter_stats(session)
colors = ((1,0,0), (0,0,1), (0,1,0))
- cls = self.cls.get(session)
- stats = [getattr(cls, x) for x in self.stats.get(session)]
recent = None
if len(stats):
- stat = stats[0]
- recent = stat.recent(object)
+ recent = adapter.recent()
+ # mouseover event wants the points returned in a array
if self.samples.get(session):
return self.render_samples(session, recent)
@@ -442,13 +413,13 @@
if mode == "rate":
method = None # don't do averaging
for stat in stats:
- os = stat.samples(object, duration, interval, method)
+ os = adapter.samples(stat, duration, interval, method)
ns = list()
prev = None
for sample in reversed(os):
if prev is not None:
- rate = calc_rate(sample[1], prev[1],
+ rate = calc_rate(float(sample[1]), float(prev[1]),
secs(sample[0]), secs(prev[0]))
ns.insert(0, (sample[0], rate, None))
@@ -459,7 +430,7 @@
method = self.method.get(session)
for stat in stats:
- samples[stat] = stat.samples(object, duration, interval, method)
+ samples[stat] = adapter.samples(stat, duration, interval, method)
# take stddev into account for max and min y values
deviated_values = [(nvl(x[1],0) + float(nvl(x[2],0))/2,
@@ -524,12 +495,15 @@
self.updater.update_enabled = True
- self.cls = CuminClassParameter(app, "class")
- self.add_parameter(self.cls)
self.id = IntegerParameter(app, "id")
+ self.rosemary_class = Parameter(app, "rcls")
+ self.add_parameter(self.rosemary_class)
+ self.rosemary_package = Parameter(app, "rpkg")
+ self.add_parameter(self.rosemary_package)
self.object = self.ObjectAttribute(app, "object")
@@ -564,11 +538,27 @@
class ObjectAttribute(Attribute):
def get(self, session):
- cls = self.widget.cls.get(session).mint_class
- id = self.widget.id.get(session)
- return cls.get(id)
+ rpackage = self.widget.rosemary_package.get(session)
+ rclass = self.widget.rosemary_class.get(session)
+ rosemary_package = self.app.rosemary._packages_by_name[rpackage]
+ rosemary_class = rosemary_package._classes_by_name[rclass]
+ return rosemary_class
class GenericChart(StatFlashChart):
+ def render_title(self, session):
+ cls = self.object.get(session)
+ return getattr(cls, self.stats[0]).title
+ def get_object_id(self, session):
+ return self.parent.id.get(session)
+ def get_package_name(self, session):
+ return self.parent.rosemary_package.get(session)
+ def get_object_class(self, session):
+ return self.parent.rosemary_class.get(session)
def render_width(self, session):
return self.parent.container_width.get(session)
@@ -576,14 +566,12 @@
return self.parent.container_height.get(session)
def render_img_href(self, session):
- object = self.object
params = self.get_href_params(session)
params.append("width=%i" % self.render_width(session))
params.append("height=%i" % self.render_height(session))
return "%s?" % self.get_chart_name(session) + ";".join(params)
def render_href(self, session):
- object = self.object
params = self.get_href_params(session)
params.append("width=%i" % self.render_width(session))
params.append("height=%i" % self.render_height(session))
@@ -637,15 +625,10 @@
super(FlashPieChart, self).__init__(app, name)
self.page = page
- def create(self, session, object):
+ def create(self, session, adapter, stats):
names = self.page.names.get(session)
values = self.page.values.get(session)
- #cls = self.page.cls.get(session)
- #action = self.page.action.get(session)
- #method = getattr(cls, action)
- #values1 = method.do_invoke(object)
chart = Chart()
chart.title.text = ""
chart.bg_colour = "#FFFFFF"
@@ -766,13 +749,12 @@
return None
return method
- def create(self, session, object):
+ def create(self, session, adapter, stats):
# get the page parameters
width = self.page.container_width.get(session)
height = self.page.container_height.get(session)
mode = self.page.mode.get(session)
method = self.page.method.get(session)
- stats = self.page.get_stats(session)
time_span = self.get_time_span(session)
duration = self.get_duration(session)
@@ -782,7 +764,7 @@
interval = self.page.get_interval(session, duration, width)
# get the most recent samples
- samples = self.fetch_samples(object, duration, interval,
+ samples = self.fetch_samples(adapter, duration, interval,
self.fix_method(method, mode),
mode, delta, stats,
@@ -797,7 +779,7 @@
max_of_axiis = max(max_value, axis_for_vals)
# the most recent value(s) changed the y-axis range
if axis_max != max_of_axiis:
- samples = self.fetch_samples(object, time_span, interval,
+ samples = self.fetch_samples(adapter, time_span, interval,
self.fix_method(method, mode),
mode, False, stats,
@@ -806,7 +788,7 @@
append = True
# create the chart dict
- chart = self.get_chart(session, object, stats, samples, time_span, max_value, min_value, append, end_seconds_ago)
+ chart = self.get_chart(session, adapter, stats, samples, time_span, max_value, min_value, append, end_seconds_ago)
#print "**********\n"+chart.create()
return chart.create()
@@ -862,13 +844,13 @@
return y_axis, y_axis_right
- def fetch_samples(self, object, dur, interval, method, mode, delta, stats, end_seconds_ago=0):
+ def fetch_samples(self, adapter, dur, interval, method, mode, delta, stats, end_seconds_ago=0):
return dict()
def get_max_min(self, session, stats, samples):
return 0, 0
- def get_chart(self, session, object, stats, samples, duration, max_value, min_value, append, end_secs):
+ def get_chart(self, session, adapter, stats, samples, duration, max_value, min_value, append, end_secs):
return Chart()
class AreaChart(FlashLineChart):
@@ -877,17 +859,17 @@
self.alpha = 0.3
- def fetch_samples(self, object, dur, interval, method, mode, delta, stats, end_seconds_ago=0):
+ def fetch_samples(self, adapter, dur, interval, method, mode, delta, stats, end_seconds_ago=0):
samples = dict()
if mode == "rate":
for stat in stats:
- os = stat.samples(object, dur, interval, method, secs2=end_seconds_ago)
+ os = adapter.samples(stat, dur, interval, method, secs2=end_seconds_ago, delta=delta)
ns = list()
prev = None
for sample in reversed(os):
if prev is not None:
- rate = calc_rate(sample[1], prev[1],
+ rate = calc_rate(float(sample[1]), float(prev[1]),
secs(sample[0]), secs(prev[0]))
ns.insert(0, (sample[0], rate, None))
@@ -897,7 +879,7 @@
samples[stat] = ns
for stat in stats:
- samples[stat] = stat.samples(object, dur, interval, method, secs2=end_seconds_ago)
+ samples[stat] = adapter.samples(stat, dur, interval, method, secs2=end_seconds_ago, delta=delta)
return samples
@@ -949,7 +931,7 @@
line.values = vals
- def get_chart(self, session, object, stats, samples, duration, max_value, min_value, append, end_secs):
+ def get_chart(self, session, adapter, stats, samples, duration, max_value, min_value, append, end_secs):
mode = self.page.mode.get(session)
width = self.page.container_width.get(session)
@@ -970,7 +952,6 @@
if append:
chart.append = self.get_elapsed(session)['value']
- #print "append: duration=%i elapsed=%f" % (duration, float(self.get_elapsed(session)['value']))
return chart
chart.title.text = ""
@@ -993,7 +974,7 @@
chart.control.x_axis = XAxis().get_x_axis(self.one_day, 0, tick_height=10)
chart.control.x_axis.labels.colour = "#333333"
chart.control.x_axis.grid_colour = "#FFFFFF"
- samples = self.fetch_samples(object, self.one_day, 60, "avg", mode, False, stats, end_seconds_ago=0)
+ samples = self.fetch_samples(adapter, self.one_day, 60, "avg", mode, False, stats, end_seconds_ago=0)
max_value, min_value = self.get_max_min(session, stats, samples)
self.make_chart_lines(session, chart.control, "line", stats, 1, 0, 1, samples, self.one_day, 0, mode)
chart.control.y_min = max(min_value, 0)
@@ -1122,15 +1103,11 @@
def get_content_type(self, session):
return "text/plain"
- def get_stats(self, session):
- cls = self.cls.get(session)
- return [getattr(cls, x) for x in self.stats.get(session)]
def do_render(self, session):
- object = self.get_object(session)[0]
+ adapter, stats = self.get_adapter_stats(session)
chart = self.chart_factory(self.chart_type.get(session))
- return chart.create(session, object)
+ return chart.create(session, adapter, stats)
def chart_factory(self, chart_type):
if chart_type == "area":
@@ -1145,13 +1122,10 @@
class StatStackedPage(StatChartPage):
def do_render(self, session):
- object = self.get_object(session)[0]
- cls = self.cls.get(session)
- stats = [getattr(cls, x) for x in self.stats.get(session)]
+ adapter, stats = self.get_adapter_stats(session)
if len(stats):
- stat = stats[0]
- recent = stat.recent(object)
+ recent = adapter.recent()
if recent:
cached_png = self.get_cached(session, recent)
if cached_png:
@@ -1175,7 +1149,7 @@
collapsed = dict()
values = dict()
for stat in stats:
- samples[stat] = stat.samples(object, duration, interval, method)
+ samples[stat] = adapter.samples(stat, duration, interval, method)
# we sometimes get multiple samples for the same qmf_update_time
for sample in samples[stat]:
collapsed[sample[0]] = sample[1]
Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/stat.strings
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/stat.strings 2010-04-06 16:39:42 UTC (rev 3893)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/stat.strings 2010-04-06 20:04:09 UTC (rev 3894)
@@ -37,8 +37,7 @@
<th style="width: 50%; text-align: left;">Statistic</th>
- <th style="width: 25%;">Value</th>
- <th style="width: 25%;">{rate_text}</th>
+ <th style="width: 50%;">Value</th>
@@ -50,7 +49,6 @@
<tr class="item">
<td class="ralign"> {item_value}</td>
- <td class="ralign"> {item_rate}</td>
14 years, 11 months
rhmessaging commits: r3893 - mgmt/newdata/rosemary/python/rosemary.
by rhmessaging-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: eallen
Date: 2010-04-06 12:39:42 -0400 (Tue, 06 Apr 2010)
New Revision: 3893
Added ability to do a Group By on an SqlQuery
Modified: mgmt/newdata/rosemary/python/rosemary/sqlquery.py
--- mgmt/newdata/rosemary/python/rosemary/sqlquery.py 2010-04-06 16:37:42 UTC (rev 3892)
+++ mgmt/newdata/rosemary/python/rosemary/sqlquery.py 2010-04-06 16:39:42 UTC (rev 3893)
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
self.order_by = self.OrderBy()
self.limit = self.Limit()
+ self.group_by = self.GroupBy()
self.joins = list()
self.filters = list()
@@ -43,6 +44,9 @@
tokens.append("where %s" % " and ".join(filters))
if options:
+ if options.group_column:
+ tokens.append(self.group_by.emit(options.group_column))
if options.sort_column:
@@ -69,8 +73,15 @@
return "limit %s offset %i" % (str(limit), offset)
+ class GroupBy(object):
+ def emit(selfself, column):
+ column = getattr(column, "identifier", column)
+ return "group by %s" % column
class SqlQueryOptions(object):
def __init__(self):
+ self.group_column = None
self.sort_column = None
self.sort_ascending = True
self.limit = None
14 years, 11 months
rhmessaging commits: r3892 - mgmt/newdata/rosemary/xml.
by rhmessaging-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: eallen
Date: 2010-04-06 12:37:42 -0400 (Tue, 06 Apr 2010)
New Revision: 3892
Added some statistic titles to Queue
Modified: mgmt/newdata/rosemary/xml/rosemary.xml
--- mgmt/newdata/rosemary/xml/rosemary.xml 2010-04-01 19:46:39 UTC (rev 3891)
+++ mgmt/newdata/rosemary/xml/rosemary.xml 2010-04-06 16:37:42 UTC (rev 3892)
@@ -75,12 +75,52 @@
<statistic name="msgDepth">
- <title>Messages</title>
+ <title>Queue Messages</title>
<statistic name="byteDepth">
+ <statistic name="msgPersistEnqueues">
+ <title>Msgs. Enqueued</title>
+ </statistic>
+ <statistic name="msgPersistDequeues">
+ <title>Msgs. Dequeued</title>
+ </statistic>
+ <statistic name="bytePersistEnqueues">
+ <title>Bytes Enqueued</title>
+ </statistic>
+ <statistic name="bytePersistDequeues">
+ <title>Bytes Dequeued</title>
+ </statistic>
+ <statistic name="msgTotalEnqueues">
+ <title>Msgs. Enqueued</title>
+ </statistic>
+ <statistic name="msgTotalDequeues">
+ <title>Msgs. Dequeued</title>
+ </statistic>
+ <statistic name="byteTotalEnqueues">
+ <title>Bytes Enqueued</title>
+ </statistic>
+ <statistic name="byteTotalDequeues">
+ <title>Bytes Dequeued</title>
+ </statistic>
+ <statistic name="unackedMessages">
+ <title>Msgs. Unacked</title>
+ </statistic>
+ <statistic name="messageLatency">
+ <title>Msg. Latency</title>
+ </statistic>
<class name="System">
14 years, 11 months
rhmessaging commits: r3891 - mgmt/trunk/sesame/cpp.
by rhmessaging-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: tedross
Date: 2010-04-01 15:46:39 -0400 (Thu, 01 Apr 2010)
New Revision: 3891
Removed all references to APR in configure.ac
Modified: mgmt/trunk/sesame/cpp/configure.ac
--- mgmt/trunk/sesame/cpp/configure.ac 2010-04-01 18:50:44 UTC (rev 3890)
+++ mgmt/trunk/sesame/cpp/configure.ac 2010-04-01 19:46:39 UTC (rev 3891)
@@ -162,17 +162,6 @@
-if test x$enable_APR_PLATFORM = xyes; then
# We use valgrind for the tests. See if it's available.
AC_CHECK_PROG([VALGRIND], [valgrind], [valgrind])
14 years, 11 months
rhmessaging commits: r3890 - mgmt/trunk/sesame/cpp.
by rhmessaging-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: tedross
Date: 2010-04-01 14:50:44 -0400 (Thu, 01 Apr 2010)
New Revision: 3890
Removed unneeded configuration check for APR.
Modified: mgmt/trunk/sesame/cpp/configure.ac
--- mgmt/trunk/sesame/cpp/configure.ac 2010-03-31 21:14:06 UTC (rev 3889)
+++ mgmt/trunk/sesame/cpp/configure.ac 2010-04-01 18:50:44 UTC (rev 3890)
@@ -162,17 +162,6 @@
- [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-apr-platform],
- [use the Apache Portable Runtime library for platform (default no)])],
- [case $enableval in
- yes|no) enable_APR_PLATFORM=$enableval;;
- *) AC_MSG_ERROR([Invalid value for --enable-apr-platform: $enableval]);;
- esac],
- [enable_APR_PLATFORM=no]
14 years, 11 months