As I mentioned on the meeting the fileUpload wasn't working for me, not even the
current iframe-based version. As it turns out I can only get it to work on
WildFly-8.0.0.CR1 (Mojarra 2.2.4-jbossorg-1), it doesn't work on WildFly 8 Final
(Mojarra 2.2.5-jbossorg-3).
What I found out is that when the form is submitted the necessary parameters are not sent
with it, especially javax.faces.ViewState. When JSF doesn't find the viewState
parameter it skips the Apply Request Values phase which is where we check the files and
put the upload events in a queue. There might be something in JavaScript, but if it
doesn't find even the parameters sent by the standard XHR (I'll have to check
that) I guess there is a bug.
Posted by forums
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