Bootstrap demo offline multiple times
by Pavol Pitonak
our Bootstrap demo was offline mulitple times (15) in last 48 hours. Server logs contain huge amount of similar messages:
{quote:modifiedtitle=true|class=jive_text_macro jive_macro_quote}
2014/07/23 18:54:56,049 SEVERE [javax.enterprise.resource.webcontainer.jsf.application] (http-/ Error Rendering View[/demo/basecss.xhtml]: java.lang.IllegalStateException: JBWEB000209: Session creation failed due to too many active sessions
Quick googling suggests to change state saving method to client:
{code:jivemacro_uid=_14061917399103241|class=jive_text_macro jive_macro_code _jivemacro_uid_14061917399103241}
What do you think?
Posted by forums
Original post:
10 years, 4 months
Re: RichFaces 5 Roadmap
by robert walker
brian, or anyone else on the rf team
can we PLEASE get an idea on rf5. I have some fixes my users are asking for, they ask on almost every call, for example, the multi file select on file upload component.
we also wanted to use the new jsf 2.2 features
its been so long since we heard anything I am getting nervous. maybe i should consider using a different library, which would require a huge rework,
although rf is my personal favorite but the others seem to be more active.
Posted by forums
Original post:
10 years, 5 months
Consolidating the RichFaces docs
by Brian Leathem
Hello all,
With the goal of simplifying things I am planning on consolidating the
"Developer guide" and the "Component Reference" in RichFaces 4.5 into a
single doc, dropping the pressgang toolchain in the process. Any
As a new name for the consolidated document I am proposing "RichFaces
guide". Any other suggestions?
10 years, 5 months