Bootstrap demo offline multiple times
by Pavol Pitonak
our Bootstrap demo was offline mulitple times (15) in last 48 hours. Server logs contain huge amount of similar messages:
{quote:modifiedtitle=true|class=jive_text_macro jive_macro_quote}
2014/07/23 18:54:56,049 SEVERE [javax.enterprise.resource.webcontainer.jsf.application] (http-/ Error Rendering View[/demo/basecss.xhtml]: java.lang.IllegalStateException: JBWEB000209: Session creation failed due to too many active sessions
Quick googling suggests to change state saving method to client:
{code:jivemacro_uid=_14061917399103241|class=jive_text_macro jive_macro_code _jivemacro_uid_14061917399103241}
What do you think?
Posted by forums
Original post:
10 years, 4 months
RichFaces 4.5.0.Beta1 - current status
by Brian Leathem
Hey guys,
There are currently 2 outstanding issues in the RichFaces 4.5.0.Beta1
1) Object-based autocomplete (RF-11453/RF-11332)
2) Placeholder duplicate rendering (RF-13769)
I've got a PoC of 1) working locally. At least it's a select component
that starts out with an empty suggestion list, and updates it via ajax
once you start typing. I just need to work out the server-side
filtering function and resolve some buggy behavior on the client. I
expect to finish tomorrow and it should make a reasonable initial
I have not yet had a chance to look into 2). @Michal if you could dive
a little deeper into that issue tomorrow that would be great. I can
pick it up with you once I resolve 1).
Cody Lerum has a pull request in with a guava update. I'll merge that
With the above issues resolved Beta1 should be in shape for QA.
10 years, 4 months