Okay, it took a while, but RichFaces 5.0.0.Alpha2 and 4.5.0.Alpha1 are staged in JBoss staging repository and ready for QA.

There are dependencies that are released:

CDK 4.5.0.Alpha2: https://github.com/richfaces/richfaces-cdk/tree/4.5.0.Alpha2
jsf-test 1.1.7: https://github.com/richfaces4/jsf-test/tree/1.1.7

These are modules that are staged:

RichWidgets 0.1: https://github.com/richwidgets/richwidgets/tree/stage
RichFaces 5.0.0.Alpha2: https://github.com/richfaces/richfaces/tree/5.0.0.Alpha2
RichFaces 4.5.0.Alpha1:
- components: https://github.com/richfaces4/components/tree/4.5.0.Alpha1
- showcase: https://github.com/richfaces4/showcase/tree/4.5.0.Alpha1

~ Lukas

On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 2:28 PM, Lukáš Fryč <lukas.fryc@gmail.com> wrote:
The release process for 5.0.0.Alpha2 is about to begin. Further commits into develop branch will not be considered in release.