Thanks for bringing this up Lukas.
It's an issue we've skirted around before and never dealt with
head on, mostly in the context of the pickList component [1,2,3].
In RF-12360 [1] the user reporting the issue remarked:
this is not consistent with standard h:selectOneMenu onchange
behaviour (which fires onchange event immediately)."
This however is inconsistent with the JSF API docs [4] which state
that the onchange attribute is
Javascript code executed when this element loses focus and its
value has been modified since gaining focus."
@QE: Do you have metamer configured with vanilla JSF tags? We
should do some investigative work and map out the onchange
attribute behaviour for various HTML elements and JSF tags.
@Lukas I like the idea of leaving keeping the change event aligned
with the HTML and JSF specifications. Introducing a new event is
the right way to go. W.r.t. your point about the attribute not
being supported across all components - I don't think it's by any
means a showstopper.
In fact I would suggest that rather than have a single event that
all components reuse, we rather have each component offer the
change event + some-semantic-event specific to that component that
can be used to trigger earlier notifications.
For example, this would be the "keypress" event in an input
element, or the "select" event in one of the select components, or
the "drag" event for the inputNumberSlider etc.
On 13-10-21 03:19 AM, Lukáš Fryč wrote:
one reacts on changes of value, he can use 'change' event that
have defficiency coming from classic HTML <input>:
- the
'change' event is fired after 'blur' event when the value
changed between a focus and a subsequent blur event
means in component like <r:calendar> or
<r:autocomplete>, a 'change' event is not fired when
input is externally changed by selection of a value from
popup, but only when a value is changed and then input is
has downside in form of a bad experience:
client-side validation is triggered when autocomplete is
blurred, but it could be validated right after selection from
a suggestion box
* so when one want to react on changes, he need to use
behavior-based (as opposed to semantically-based) events, such
as 'onkeypress', 'onselect'
defficiency could be solved by introducing new event: e.g.
'valuechanged' which would be defined as:
* event
'valuechanged' is triggered when component's input is blurred
or the value is changed externally
this solutions has its own drawback coming from a fact, that
this event must be supported by library - so e.g. common JSF
components won't be supported (unless we provide a shim for
them - e.g. event triggering emulation).
~ Lukas
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