On 2014-11-21 03:07 AM, Michal Petrov wrote:
1. Components not keeping their state when the page is refreshed*
although caused by the same thing I'd expect this is working as intended, and a panel
losing its collapsed/expanded state doesn't look like a serious issue
The expected behavior is that a component inside a ui:repeat behave the
same as it does when not in a ui:repeat. IOW if the component preserves
it's state on page refresh when not in a ui:repeat, then it should also
preserve it's state when nested in a ui:repeat.
2. State change events where the event doesn't retrieve the old
value properly* this is certainly an issue
Does anyone know why and if we need to fire the events during phase 2?
I am not aware of any reason why one phase was chosen over the other.
If you can make it work using the Process Validations Phase then go for
it. We can ask QE to run our functional test-suite on this component to
check for any regressions introduced by the phase change.
Nice investigations Michal, continue to keep us posted.