Lukáš Fryč commented on RFPL-1480:
QE needs generate specific snapshots of WAR files in Tomcat and JEE6 profiles (the same as
release bits are) to be grabbed by CI builds with no modifications.
This won't probably affect any showcase source, since it should be enough to configure
Hudson build to run in 'release' profile.
generate also richfaces-showcase-4.1.0-SNAPSHOT.war for jee6
Key: RFPL-1480
Project: RichFaces Planning
Issue Type: Feature Request
Security Level: Public(Everyone can see)
Components: examples
Environment: showcase, container jee6
Reporter: Juraj Huska
Assignee: Lukáš Fryč
Fix For: 4.1.0.Milestone1
Please generate also richfaces-showcase-4.1.0-SNAPSHOT.war for jee6.
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