Ok, I agree with you. We have discussed this with conan today and get the same conclusion as you. We started looking at mosaic, but the biggest limitation we have right now is the GWT version we are using. New libraries are already using gwt 2.0, so we can´t use the latest versions of them. The same problem arise when composing widgets. GWT 1.5.3 is very basic.
We will continue using native GWT or GWTExt until Guvnor is moved to GWT 2.x (I don´t know the effort required for that).


On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 11:31 PM, Michael Neale <michael.neale@gmail.com> wrote:
I don't think it would be a good idea unless migrating to SmartGWT overall - it would just drag on a whole other heavy framework. 

Longer term it would be nice to NOT depend on any JS frameworks- but use GWT native ones - the reason being that only the used bits are compiled in, and also as GWT compiler innovations continue apace, that insures compatability and speed improvements. 

I don't really see the need to use a JS library like SmartGWT - the only place we used GWT-ext was for the overall "chrome" look - (eg the accordion, tabs) and a few grid views, and a couple of trees, barely 10% of what is in the ext framework. 

I certainly think it is a very bad idea to use a framework like smart GWT now for widgets - the built in GWT ones are pretty basic, but it is worth the effort to compose them into richer ones, or look for GWT "native" ones to reuse - as at least they will be resolved at compile time. Some GWT ones to take a look at: http://vaadin.com/home and http://code.google.com/p/gwt-mosaic/

(not that I have anything against javascript, just it makes things much harder with GWT, and kind of defeats the purpose of using it).

Of course we would like to get off gwt-ext eventually, I don't think SmartGWT is the way to go, and certainly not introducing it unless we plan to migrate to it. 

On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 1:46 AM, Esteban Aliverti <esteban.aliverti@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,
Baunax and I are making some improvements in Guvnor's rule editor (from/collect/accumulate support, expression builder widget, etc.) and we want to start using Smart GWT (http://www.smartclient.com/). This library is the successor of GWText (the one Guvnor is using now). You can see this in GWText home page http://code.google.com/p/gwt-ext/.
Some of the reasons we have to move to Smart GWT are:
  • GWTExt is deprecated. It is no longer under active development.
  • Smart GWT is under LGPL license (just like GWTExt)
  • Smart GWT support any version of GWT (from 1.5.3 to 2.0). There shouldn't be any problem when we start using GWT 2.xx
  • Smart GWT has a lot of widgets, effects, layouts etc. that can make our life easier ;).
Of course we are not going to migrate Guvnor to Smart GWT; we want just to use it for the new features we are implementing.

So, are you guys agree? Does anyone have any objection?  

We are currently working on guvnor_expressionEditor3_baunax_esteban branch.



Esteban Aliverti

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Michael D Neale
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Esteban Aliverti