Once it starts getting into the DX of the DRL rules to feed into Drools it's gets quickly past my experience level .... I had hoped for a clean do it all in one place kind of thing but it doesn't look that way.....


On Mon, Jan 2, 2012 at 2:46 PM, Wolfgang Laun <wolfgang.laun@gmail.com> wrote:
On 2 January 2012 14:30, Matthew Versaggi <profversaggi@gmail.com> wrote:
Here's what I got working and when it failed .... it was just the basic 'hello world' kind of stuff:

final KnowledgeBuilder kbuilder = KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBuilder();

// this will parse and compile in one step
kbuilder.add(ResourceFactory.newClassPathResource("HelloWorld.drl", DroolsTest.class), ResourceType.DRL);

01-02 13:13:17.684: E/AndroidRuntime(537): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.versaggi.android.droolsandroidtest/com.versaggi.android.droolsandroidtest.DroolsAndroidTestActivity}: java.lang.NullPointerException

I've seen NPEs thrown up from down in the Drools gears when the DRL resource could not be found. Make sure that
   ResourceFactory.newClassPathResource("HelloWorld.drl",         DroolsTest.class) 

is != null.

I had to re-compile the CompositeClassLoader.java file and then reinsert it into the drools-api-5.1.0.M2.jar file to get past this issue:

"A small modification is needed in org.drools.util.CompositeClassLoader. Apparently, the Android JVM doesn't allow null as the parent classloader so I changed that to super(CompositeClassLoader.class.getClassLoader()) in the constructor, and that works fine."

Yes, that's come up in other Java environments as well, and IIRC been fixed on the way towards 5.2.0. )There ought to be a closed JIRA, if s.o. cares to look it up.)


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