
Following Mark's "Build" notes I did the following:-

[ok] Get everything from http://anonsvn.labs.jboss.com/labs/jbossrules/tags/

[ok] mvn install

[ok] mvn -Declipse=true -Ddocumentation=true clean install -DlocalEclipseDrop=/folder/jboss-rules/local-eclipse-drop-mirror

Unfortunately building the documentation fails which means attempting to run other goals that package the JARs fail too.

OK so the documenation fails - no big deal at this stage, but how can I get drools-eclipse to otherwise package?

The long and short of it is that I want to try the plugin with IBM RAD7 (in particular RuleFlow).

Can I hack a POM or something?

With kind regards,


PS - I can see eclipse and documentation used in the main POM profiles but couldn't see where localEclipseDrop was used. Is it to point to a local Eclipse root folder, or a folder to which Eclipse will be installed?