Does anybody know of any incompatibilities between 7.1.1 and 7.1.2?

We had various issues between 7.0.2 and 7.1.1. It would be awkward to have poms changed to target a BOM we can't launch (the community edition) against if they are not 100% compatible.

Assuming they are compatible we have to assume we have to target AS7.1.1 (at minimum) and any issues encountered with 7.0.2 have to be banished to history.

With kind regards,


On 3 October 2012 14:52, Lukáš Petrovický <> wrote:
Michael Anstis píše v St 03. 10. 2012 v 13:38 +0100:
> We have had numerous cross-compatibility issues in the past with 7.0.2
> and 7.1.1 and trying for 7.0.2, 7.1.1 and 7.1.2 could be quite
> difficult.

As far as I know, 7.1.2 is only available as a Git tag. No public
release was ever made. For people who want to use it, they can either
build it themselves or obtain a copy of EAP 6 (which is a commercially
supported offering of Red Hat).

Lukáš Petrovický
QE Lead, JBoss Enterprise BRMS
Phone: +420 532 294 123
irc: lpetrovi, triceo

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