You could add an attribute on the Line object to mark it as processed or something when a match is found. You could then write another rule that looks for unprocessed lines and retracts them.
On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 2:56 PM, hare ram
<> wrote:
Hello all,
This is the set of rules i have
rule "IP Route File rule"
salience 2000
Line ( line matches "^.*\s+show\s+ip\s+route\s*$" )
Line ( line matches "^.*\s+dest\s+address\s*$ )
file : FileFinder()
file.setFileType("ip route file");
All I am doing in rules is, I read each line from the given file, convert them into Line Objects and see if any of my
rules matches. There are about 50 such rules, that will help me differentiate what kind of file is present in my input
The question I have , is there a way I can know if Line Object matched any of the rules ? If a Line Object is not matched by
any of rules, I can just retract that object from the memory and prevent Out of Memory Exception if the file size is huge
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